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T-Shirt Quality Pépère

With our italian partner Eshirt.it (ma che bello questo t-shirt!) we have made the T-Shirt Quality Pépère 100% coton!
In front, Pépère and Mémère in their car, in the back, screen shot of the game under coconuts!
With this T-Shirt, you'll become a star in your neighbourhood!

Price : 22 $ (2 $ for us for each t-shirt you buy)
You can modifiy the t-shirt (delete/add images, add text, size, etc...) on the website of our partner.

Pépère has checked for you the quality of his t-shirt, with the other T-Shirt Pépère which has many graphic details.
[翻訳する日本語]   [修正を投稿する英語 ]