Akcija - 196 Igre |
Gun Run This is a pure arcade action game, a beautiful 2D side-scrolling shooter created by Felix Reidl of Germany. Jump to catch money while aiming with the mouse and shooting everything that comes at you. The A and D keys can be used to slow down and speed up, the space bar, or W key, to jump. Press it twice to double-jump.
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Protuzračna obrana 3, Konačna zračna bitka Igra ICMilk-a. Cilj igre je zaustaviti protivničke avione. Miš za punjenje. Tipka Control za izbor posebnih opcija. Pročitajte vrlo dobre upute u igri (na Engleskom) za više informacija. [Podnestite ispravak ] Komentari(0) - Poslao jp / Preveo Developer |
Dad'n'me Dad'n'me je akcijska igr koju je izradila ista ekipa kao i "Alien Homind". Isti dizajn, jednako zabavno. Način igre sličan je staroj arkadnoj igri "Double dragon". A & S za udarac i strelice za kretanje. [Podnestite ispravak ] Komentari(0) - Poslao jp / Preveo Martina |
Thing thing 2 Thing thing 2 is a shott them up game where you can play in survival mode (kill until you die) or in story mode (6 levels and final boss). Move with the arraow key, and use the mouse to aim and shoot the ennemies. [Prevedite ] [Podnestite ispravak ] Komentari(3) - Poslao jp / Preveo jp |
Spaceman Bob's great escape Escape from the aliens base, and take some gold before doing so. Cute little platform game. [Prevedite ] [Podnestite ispravak ] Komentari(0) - Poslao jp / Preveo jp |
Laser maze This is a 3D shockwave game in which you play as a private who has to complete several missions like deactivating a switch. Instructions in english. [Prevedite ] [Podnestite ispravak ] Komentari(0) - Poslao jp / Preveo jp |
Deep Sea Xplorer A nice shoot them up looking like in the good old time. Arrow keys to move and space bar to shoot. [Prevedite ] [Podnestite ispravak ] Komentari(0) - Poslao jp / Preveo jp |
N-Game An amazing physical engine for this platform game developed by metanet software. With a lifetime of 15 minutes, complete each of the the 30 episodes of this incredible game. [Prevedite ] [Podnestite ispravak ] Komentari(2) - Poslao jp / Preveo jp |
A dog for all seasons The new Orisinal game. Control 4 little dogs against an array of red balloons of increasing number. The object of the game is to coordinate all of the puppies so that they jump over all of the balloons. [Prevedite ] [Podnestite ispravak ] Komentari(0) - Poslao jp / Preveo jp |
King of the hill Defend Your Castle-style game. Use your castles weapons to protect yourself from the enemy, and become King of the Hill. Click, hold and drag to aim, release to fire. [Prevedite ] [Podnestite ispravak ] Komentari(0) - Poslao jp / Preveo jp |