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Ball a'track
You have to guide a silver ball trough a track that moves, curves, enlarges, shrinks and speeds up the longer you survive. All the games developed by Doingz on bring a little something new to the world of online games and are worth to be played.
[PrevediteCroatian]   [Podnestite ispravakEnglish]
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Uchu Force - ウチューフォース
Once again a great shooter from Simple pixel graphics, mouse control, many ennemies and end-level bosses with various behaviours, are the key of this entertaining game.
[PrevediteCroatian]   [Podnestite ispravakEnglish]
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Uchu Wars - ウチューウォーズ
From the same author (called "babara") of Boschvos, here comes an excellent top view shooter in which you control a spaceship that you must keep alive as long as possible. Babara has worked a lot on the gameplay featuring very simple controls and a great variety of ennemies, spaceships, and end level bosses. A really good and entertaining game.
[PrevediteCroatian]   [Podnestite ispravakEnglish]
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Babarageo Boschvos
Boschvos is a very good side view space shooter powered by a new innovative concept: fight thousands of battleships constructed by you and other visitors. The "edit mode" allows you to create your space wracraft and the "play mode" is very entertaining as the game has very simple controls (mouse) and a huge variety of spaceships to fight. Choose english or japanese language and then click on "PLAY" to start playing.
[PrevediteCroatian]   [Podnestite ispravakEnglish]
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Osvojiti Antartiku
Ova igra ima sličan način igre kao Bowman game, osim što u glavnoj ulozi ima pingvine koji trebaju u vodu ubaciti igrača protivničkog tima. Kao u booling igri, možete udariti tako da se riješite svih pingvina u jednom potezu. Može se igrati i s dvoje igrača na jednoj tipkovnici, što može biti vrlo zabavno.
  [Podnestite ispravakCroatian]
Komentari(0) - Poslao jp / Preveo Tonkica
Jason reinsvold razvio je ovu Java igru Gunamster. Scenarij igre inspiriran je serijom Heli Attack, samo što se ekran ne pomiče. Igrač je komandos koji mora što duže moguće preživjeti protiv neprijatelja, helikoptera i aviona koji ga gađaju projektilima, bombama i mecima. Z akretanje se koriste tipke A, D, za skok tipka SPACE (za dupli skok pritisnuti dva puta), za bacanje granata koriste se tipke E i R, z apromjenu oružja 1, 2, 3, a za ciljanje i pucanje se koristi miš.
  [Podnestite ispravakCroatian]
Komentari(4) - Poslao jp / Preveo Sonja Novak
Glazbeni pirati (Pop Pirati)
Glazbeni ili muzički pirati lijepa je pucačina razvijena u Flash-u koji zauzima mjesto na vašem računalu. Zgrabi muzičku datoteku koju su ukrali pirati i pokušaj preživjeti što je dulje moguće. Kontrole su vrlo intuitivne,
krećeš se pomoću razmaknicu, a pucaš sa mišem.
  [Podnestite ispravakCroatian]
Komentari(0) - Poslao jp / Preveo Vindy
Ninjaman is an impressive fighting side-scrolling game, the result of one year's work of 3 students. Controls are customizable and default configuration is: D for attack (can be combined with arrow keys for special attacks), S for defend, and Spacebar to jump (double jump by pressing twice). Despite all the work behind this game, it lacks something I can't define... maybe more fun and creativity would have been fine.
[PrevediteCroatian]   [Podnestite ispravakEnglish]
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Combat Heaven (Bitka za nebo)
Vojnik pojedinac protiv vojske tenkova i projektila, bazuka i zračnih borbenih sredstava. Kontrole: Strelice i X, razmaknica ili Ctrl za promjenu oružja, miš za paljbu. Odlična pucačina sa razdobljima žestoke akcije i zabave.
  [Podnestite ispravakCroatian]
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RAF - Global rescue
Here comes a truly exceptional arcade flash game developed by Kerb for the Royal Air Force and freeloader. The RAF must have been inspired by the success of the Australian army games. Based on Broderbund's 1982 classic game, Choplifter which Sega released to the arcade in 1985. Control the copter using the arrow keys, C to fire, Z to release chaff, Spacebar to lower or raise the winch to rescue hostages.
[PrevediteCroatian]   [Podnestite ispravakEnglish]
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