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As an acrobat climbs in the cannon use the mouse to select his column destination and click to fire the cannon. Group acrobats in like-colored, this pretty game is a human tetris!
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Kommentarer(0) - Tillagd av jp / Översatt av jp
Ball revamped 2 : Metaphysik
A game of dexterity and timing, requiring to guide a multi-colored ball to the goal to complete each level. Score is tallied in seconds, with the lowest score being best. Arrow keys.
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Kommentarer(0) - Tillagd av jp / Översatt av jp
Racing Game
You must bring your spaceship to the landing platform as quickly as possible. There are 15 levels from the easiest to the hardest. Use the arrow keys to play.
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Kommentarer(0) - Tillagd av dewas / Översatt av dewas
Salta col
Drive a snail with frog legs thru the maze. Use mouse to set direction and strength of each jump.
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Kommentarer(0) - Tillagd av jp / Översatt av jp
Lost your marbles
Use you mouse to navigate thru the moving maze, don't touch the walls, colelct the marbles. Spacebar to speed up the maze.
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Kommentarer(0) - Tillagd av jp / Översatt av jp
Build the requested structures in the time allocated. Click on the block you want to move, then click on the space where you want to place it.
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Kommentarer(0) - Tillagd av jp / Översatt av jp
Another puzzle game remake. The objective is to push/pull all the blocks to their corresponding lights, by clicking on the blocks and drag them in the direction you want to push them. A very smart game!

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Kommentarer(0) - Tillagd av jp / Översatt av jp
High wheels
You have 5 minutes to gather as many red dots as you can.
Use SPACE to jump. Jump on the sticky wheels and jump off from the wheels in the right moment to move around.
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Kommentarer(1) - Tillagd av jp / Översatt av jp
The triangle game
Build as many triangles as possible to cover the biggest area when the time is up. Catch the triangle center of your opponents to destroy their triangles.
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Kommentarer(0) - Tillagd av jp / Översatt av jp
Monster Hatch
A use-your-brain game! Hatch all 25 eggs by simply clicking on them!
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