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Ge oss 1 minut av din tid för att översätta dom här få orden till ditt modersmål. Översättningarna kollas före dom blir synliga online. Skriv så noga som möjligt, och försök att få det så underhållande som möjligt. Tänk på att dina översättningar kommer att läsas av tusentals personer. <br>Tack för din hjälp! <br>
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Översatt av pias

IcelandicFramgång : 286 / 1938 [Visa nästa översättning ]
Pépère covered in snow, gliding on a circuit

Pépère out on the sea on his yacht, slaloming between buoys

Pépère skiing, surfing, slaloming

Pépère, his car and his parallel parking

Latest games added to the directory

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Don't forget to login to update your personnal stats.

The goal of the game is to complete a lap in either of the 2 routes as quickly as possible.

Don't reload the page to restart, there is «Stop» button for this. And above all, don't cheat, it's very easy to do, and there is no interest.

The comments must be written in french or english, avoid insults and ads. Please respect this rule because this is a lot of work to moderate.

You can look at the replays of other players clicking on the up left green circle. As the number of replays is very high, a daily selection is done containing the best ones and a hundred of aleatory replays.

The %d best scores are kept in database, the 20 best scores with a link towards a (non adult) page are shown on the main page. Only one score by pseudo, don't be surprised if your former replays are deleted.

Those languages are currently translated by users, you can translate or modify a few words online to help us.

The goal of the game is to slalom between the buoys following arrows.

Members to challenge

Motor sports

Multiplayer games

Flash games directory

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Översatt av affe3x
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  Profil     Meddelande hoodiemeant ( 5 September 2024 01:37) : <a href="">google</a>
[link name=google][/link]
(( google))
[ google]
[[ google]]

  Profil     Meddelande shelachocolate ( 20 Mars 2025 01:33) : Mastering the Slopes: Getting the hang of [Snow rider]( is a journey of skill and timing. Perfecting your jumps and slides will turn you into a slope-shredding pro.
  Profil     Meddelande shelachocolate ( 20 Mars 2025 01:33) : <a href="">Snow rider</a>
[url=]Snow rider[/url]
[Snow rider](
  Profil     Meddelande shelachocolate ( 20 Mars 2025 01:34) : [url=]vex game[/url]
[link=]fall guys[/link]
[link name=fall guys][/link]
(( fall guys))
[ fall guys]
[[ fall guys]]
[L=fall guys][/L]
“fall guys”:
[fall guys](
  Profil     Meddelande shelachocolate ( 20 Mars 2025 01:34) : google

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