Cele mai jucate jocuri ale lunii - Stres - 21 Jocuri |

| Virus Trebuie sa-ti folosesti mouse-ul ca sa treci prin cele 10 nivele de dficultate pentru a ajunge la sfarsit si a virusa sistemul. [Fă o corecţie ]Un joc creat de gamingmonkey Tradus de DunkelKid (Romania) |

| Colorz Antreneaza-ti partea dreapta a creierului cu acest joc de potrivit culorile!
Te rog foloseste 20 de secunde sa citesti instructiunile, altfel jocul ti se va parea derutant. [Fă o corecţie ]Un joc creat de kevinresol Tradus de georgiana |

| Paianjenul in ploaie Esti un paianjen care sta pe un perete. Incearca sa prinzi mustele sarind pe ele. Singurul lucru de care trebuie sa te feresti este ploaia.Daca o sa te uzi in final o sa cazi mort. [Fă o corecţie ]Un joc creat de admin Tradus de georgiana |

| Slippery Side Swipe Move the mouse accordingly, to control the four paddles, up, down, left, and right. The playing field is slippery, making the paddles more difficult to control. Keep the ball in the playing field and collect all 5 blue coins for extra life. [Traduceţi ] [Fă o corecţie ]Un joc creat de admin Tradus de admin |

| Irritating game Control the little worm with arrows and try to survive as long as possible. [Traduceţi ] [Fă o corecţie ]Un joc creat de kek Tradus de kek |

| My diamond Miepie in a deadly race with a moving frame of lasers. In search for her 'diamond'. The game is over once she gets in contact with the moving lasers. There is no award of winning this game it's the feeling that you are the master of the universe. [Traduceţi ] [Fă o corecţie ]Un joc creat de allardp Tradus de allardp |

| GoWild Click on the "GoWild" button as many times as possible before the time runs out. [Traduceţi ] [Fă o corecţie ]Un joc creat de Kazur Tradus de Kazur |

| Balls on Drugs! Don't hit the red balls. The balls get faster and faster. Control the green ball with the arrow keys.
Press Spacebar to start the game. [Traduceţi ] [Fă o corecţie ]Un joc creat de d0nn0r Tradus de jp |

| Chickencatcher All the farmer's chickens have run away, so he has hired you to catch as many as you can..
Do this by clicking on the chicken that's running around on the screen..
Click on the egg that appears once in a while to stun the chicken..
The more chickens you catch, the faster they'll run around.. [Traduceţi ] [Fă o corecţie ]Un joc creat de d0ornab Tradus de Morgue |

| Sweet side scrolling squid swimmer Use the left mouse button to swim up. Avoid the rectangles and collect the swarms of krill for extra points! [Traduceţi ] [Fă o corecţie ]Un joc creat de gws34 Tradus de gws34 |