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Tradus de madeleine

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You develop flash games, java games, flash animation, shockwave games and you want to know what is the opinion of visitors and members about your work? Write to us.

Share an interesting experiment and write articles in the news, about Macromedia flash, about online games, or any subject which can interest the visitors of, it is also possible, just write to us and explain what you want to say. can only reward articles by a link of your choice.

Amateur, professional, freelance programmers or firms, this place is your place, submit your work and show your know-how, take advantage of the advices and appreciations of developpers and players, and catch the job offers of recruiters.

Recruiters, simply submit a new job offer in the corresponding section which will be read by the developpers of this network or look at the demonstrations and propose your offer directly to a programmer.

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  [Fă o corecţieRomână]
Tradus de madeleine

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[ google]
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  Profil     Mesaj shelachocolate ( 20 Martie 2025 01:34) : google

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