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Najbolja igra mjeseca - Sportovi

Najbolja igra mjeseca - Sportovi - 8 Igre
Crazy Mammoths

Crazy Mammoths
Crazy Mammoths (Ludi mamuti) je jednostavna u izgledu ali zahtjeva nešto strategije da ostanete u vodstvu kroz svaki check point. ostajanje u vodstvu kroz strateške skokove se ostvaruje tipkom SPACE. Skače se da bi se preskočio mamut ispred, da bi se zaustavilo preskakanje protivnika. Stvar je u vremenu. Upamti da te skakanje usporava, više dok vodiš u utrci i manje dok si na zadnjem...
  [Podnestite ispravakCroatian]

Igru kreiranu kao jp
Preveo gk

Soccer challenge

Soccer challenge
Nogometni izazov je skup 8 mini igrica kreiranih na temu nogometa koje su razvijene u cast FIFA World Cup-a 2006. Ti kontroliras malog plavog nogometasa s misem i moras zavrsiti 8 izazova koji su ograniceni vremenski. Tvoj zavrsni rezultat je zbroj svih 8 rezultata. Vjestine koje su potrebne da uneses svoj rezultat na listu najboljih ili cak da postanes svjetski prvaksu sposobnost, strategija i...
  [Podnestite ispravakCroatian]

Igru kreiranu kao jp
Preveo marsupilami

Babboon & friends

Babboon & friends
The story: This is a sequel to the World of Archoon, where only archers and balloons live. The struggle continues. Babboon and his friends have risen in rebellion and build a comunity of irritating balloons that escape your arrows. You must shoot them down as fast as possible to win the game and enter the highscores. Good luck brave archer... The controls: Click on the mouse button to strike...
[PrevediteCroatian]   [Podnestite ispravakEnglish]

Igru kreiranu kao jp
Preveo jez

12 Seconds

12 Seconds
Shoot the ball as far as possible in just 12 seconds. You control the golf club with the mouse. You need to do it precise and fast. Find the right technique to get awesome shots.
[PrevediteCroatian]   [Podnestite ispravakEnglish]

Igru kreiranu kao spaceplant
Preveo spaceplant


A "creative" minigolf game with 18 tracks, multiple holes and exits, traditional and non-traditional obstacles, round obstacles,fans,cone-shaped obstacles, magic carpets, strange robots, misterious waters,ife jackets and immeasurable holes.

Final score = holes*1000 + (gap between total strokes - total par (no bonus))*100

[PrevediteCroatian]   [Podnestite ispravakEnglish]

Igru kreiranu kao popoyl
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Iskačete iz zrakoplova korištenjem tipke space, ponovnim pritiskom otvarate padobran. Cilj igrice je prizemljenje što bliže centru označenom na tlu.
  [Podnestite ispravakCroatian]

Igru kreiranu kao spaceplant
Preveo koma

Unicycle Challenge

Unicycle Challenge
1) Don't tip over too far, or else you'll fall off
2) Dodge the juggling balls that roll across your path (pretty simple, eh?)

Move your mouse from side to side - the wheel of the unicycle will follow.

To jump, hold down and then release the spacebar. The "Jump" meter indicates how high you'll jump when you release the spacebar.

[PrevediteCroatian]   [Podnestite ispravakEnglish]

Igru kreiranu kao gfxmonk
Preveo gfxmonk

Bilboquet game

Bilboquet game
Bilboquet (also called Ring and pin game or Kendama in Japan) is an old game of dexterity, invented in France in the 16th century. This, the 21st century version of the game uses the flash technology to play bilboquet virtually online! The goal of the game is still the same. Throw the ball up and impale it on the stick. Try to score as many times as you can in the given 30 seconds. Each...
[PrevediteCroatian]   [Podnestite ispravakEnglish]

Igru kreiranu kao jp
Preveo jp