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Najbolja igra mjeseca - Stres

Najbolja igra mjeseca - Stres - 21 Igre
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Capsules (Kapsule)

Capsules (Kapsule)
Capsules su dječja slagalica. Svi leveli (nivoi) su rađeni u radu sa originalnim članovima. Ti igraš i uređuješ levele sa gumbima koji ti se nude na ekranu.Za brzu igru samo igrajte glavne levele klikom na određene tipke. Svi leveli moraju biti otključani jedan za drugim.Ti možeš stvarati i rezati levele. Nakon što si stvorio jedan level možeš ga klikom na određenu tipku poslati...
  [Podnestite ispravakCroatian]

Igru kreiranu kao jp
Preveo Filip Jurišić


Using the mouse, gather batteries for bonuses and avoid getting caught between the quickly moving walls.
[PrevediteCroatian]   [Podnestite ispravakEnglish]

Igru kreiranu kao admin
Preveo admin

Slippery Side Swipe

Slippery Side Swipe
Move the mouse accordingly, to control the four paddles, up, down, left, and right. The playing field is slippery, making the paddles more difficult to control. Keep the ball in the playing field and collect all 5 blue coins for extra life.
[PrevediteCroatian]   [Podnestite ispravakEnglish]

Igru kreiranu kao admin
Preveo admin


Feed the fly, get powerups and avoid spiders and wasps.

[PrevediteCroatian]   [Podnestite ispravakEnglish]

Igru kreiranu kao clockworkmonster
Preveo clockworkmonster

Spider in the rain

Spider in the rain
Ti si pauk koji sjedi na zidu. Pokušavaš uhvatiti muhe skačući na njih. Jedina stvar koje se moraš paziti je kiša. Ako pokisneš, smjesta ćeš umrijeti.
  [Podnestite ispravakCroatian]

Igru kreiranu kao admin
Preveo Tamara, Wanda

Sweet side scrolling squid swimmer

Sweet side scrolling squid swimmer
Use the left mouse button to swim up. Avoid the rectangles and collect the swarms of krill for extra points!
[PrevediteCroatian]   [Podnestite ispravakEnglish]

Igru kreiranu kao gws34
Preveo gws34

Bat Vs Ball 1.0

Bat Vs Ball 1.0
Retro pung endurance action.

Keep the ball on screen for as long as you can.

Use UP/DOWN keys or mouse clicks to move the bat.

But beware, as moving the bat will cause it to shrink.

[PrevediteCroatian]   [Podnestite ispravakEnglish]

Igru kreiranu kao xix
Preveo xix


Use the arrow keys to expand and contract the spinning stick, try and collect the blocks with the black end of the centrifuge. Avoid the red bombs otherwise it's game over!
[PrevediteCroatian]   [Podnestite ispravakEnglish]

Igru kreiranu kao gamingmonkey
Preveo gamingmonkey

Vomiting snake

Vomiting snake
A classic snake game except that from the 5th coin the board is rotating. Grab as many coins as possible without vomiting.
[PrevediteCroatian]   [Podnestite ispravakEnglish]

Igru kreiranu kao kek
Preveo jp

Camera Mind

Camera Mind
This is a little game of brain-fitness.
I found it the best with the gameplay as minimalistic as possible. It's just a challenge against yourself.

On each new level, a new circle appears. Click on it to reach the next level.

[PrevediteCroatian]   [Podnestite ispravakEnglish]

Igru kreiranu kao walnoot
Preveo walnoot

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