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Najviše igrana igra mjeseca

Najviše igrana igra mjeseca - 91 Igre
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Fishy Falldown

Fishy Falldown
Use the arrow keys to guide the fish to the bottom of the ocean!
[PrevediteCroatian]   [Podnestite ispravakEnglish]

Igru kreiranu kao Syruplord
Preveo Syruplord


You must use your mouse to guide the virus past 10 increasingly difficult levels to reach the end and implant the virus into the computer system.
[PrevediteCroatian]   [Podnestite ispravakEnglish]

Igru kreiranu kao gamingmonkey
Preveo Java Freak

Cheese planet game

Cheese planet game
Koristi mis (klikni, cuvaj i napravi) za lansiranje do satelita na pravoj destinaciskoj orbiti.
  [Podnestite ispravakCroatian]

Igru kreiranu kao Komix

Unicycle Challenge

Unicycle Challenge
1) Don't tip over too far, or else you'll fall off
2) Dodge the juggling balls that roll across your path (pretty simple, eh?)

Move your mouse from side to side - the wheel of the unicycle will follow.

To jump, hold down and then release the spacebar. The "Jump" meter indicates how high you'll jump when you release the spacebar.

[PrevediteCroatian]   [Podnestite ispravakEnglish]

Igru kreiranu kao gfxmonk
Preveo gfxmonk

Critical Mass

Critical Mass
ASWD/arrows to move. Avoid walls and enemies, pick up rad symbols to build up your critical mass and blow your enemies!

More mass = More size = More Blast!

Take advantage of game mechanics to score more points.

English/Spanish languages.

[PrevediteCroatian]   [Podnestite ispravakEnglish]

Igru kreiranu kao clockworkmonster
Preveo clockworkmonster


Iskačete iz zrakoplova korištenjem tipke space, ponovnim pritiskom otvarate padobran. Cilj igrice je prizemljenje što bliže centru označenom na tlu.
  [Podnestite ispravakCroatian]

Igru kreiranu kao spaceplant
Preveo koma

Touch The Bubbles

Touch The Bubbles
It's pretty obvious.
[PrevediteCroatian]   [Podnestite ispravakEnglish]

Igru kreiranu kao gamebalance
Preveo gamebalance

Tunnel Rush

Tunnel Rush
A game I made for a contest on

Use your mouse to guide the dragon down the tunnel by avoiding the walls. How long can you survive?


[PrevediteCroatian]   [Podnestite ispravakEnglish]

Igru kreiranu kao Syruplord
Preveo Syruplord


Train your right brain with this color-matching game!

Please use 20 seconds to read the INSTRUCTIONS, otherwise you may find the game confusing.

[PrevediteCroatian]   [Podnestite ispravakEnglish]

Igru kreiranu kao kevinresol
Preveo kevinresol

Suna Sudoku

Suna Sudoku
Suna Sudoku is a sudoku game in a fascinating new way!
It will provide you a new challenge!

The numbers must be placed in a certain sequence
and on certain fields of the gameboard to score points...

[PrevediteCroatian]   [Podnestite ispravakEnglish]

Igru kreiranu kao qplaygames
Preveo qplaygames

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