Katalog Spil
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Månedens mest spillede

Månedens mest spillede - 91 Spil
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Det her spil er meget simpelt. Du skal bare skrive det engelske alfabet (A-Z) så hurtigt du kan. Hvis du trykker forkert for du stræf point
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Et spil fremstillet af d0ornab
Oversat af kamajonka

Veggie Fling

Veggie Fling
Vegetables. They must be flung. One minute to fling those pesky conveyor-belt veggies into the moving bowl!
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Et spil fremstillet af gws34
Oversat af gws34


Hver spiller har 8 bønder af to forskellige farver. Hver tur kan en spiller sætte, eller flytte en bonde (eller en stak) på bordet. Du har de røde og de gule bønder. Der kan sættes bønder i 4 etager i en stak. En bonde (eller stak) kan kun flyttes ét skridt. For at vinde spillet, må du være den første til at lave et "Diam". Et "Diam" er 2 bønder af samme farve, i samme etage af...
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Et spil fremstillet af alainc
Oversat af Hepheistos


Brug museknapperne for at udvide eller sammentrække den snurrende pind. Prøv at samle kasserne med den sorte ende af pinden. Undgå de røde bomber, ellers er det slut.
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Et spil fremstillet af gamingmonkey
Oversat af Hepheistos

12 Seconds

12 Seconds
Shoot the ball as far as possible in just 12 seconds. You control the golf club with the mouse. You need to do it precise and fast. Find the right technique to get awesome shots.
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Et spil fremstillet af spaceplant
Oversat af spaceplant

Flash Snake

Flash Snake
Saml så mange æbler du kan på ét minut.
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Et spil fremstillet af Kazur
Oversat af Hepheistos

Sproing Reloaded

Sproing Reloaded
30 new levels of orb smashing fun! Upgrades, awards, and an unlockable game mode included.

Instructions: Swing your springy blue orb into the hollow orbs while avoiding all solid orbs. Left click to fire weapons (once purchased) and [z/x] or mouse wheel to select weapons. [esc] or [space] to pause, in-game tips provided.

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Et spil fremstillet af gws34
Oversat af gws34

ZIAG! - The Simplest Game On Earth

ZIAG! - The Simplest Game On Earth
How many times can you click your mouse? No time limit, no hurry, no challenge. Just keep clicking until you can't handle it anymore!

There's no real gameplay here. It's just a matter of how long someone might actually bother to click. I couldn't help throwing in a few bonus things that fly around once in a while though.

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Et spil fremstillet af spaceplant
Oversat af spaceplant

21 Balloons

21 Balloons
- Catch the flying balloons and give them to the little bears. - Match colors for extra score. Can You get a perfect score? - Catch star balloons for bonus points, and life balloons for extra lives. - Higher balloons give a higher bonus to score and extra lives. - Do not pop balloons, and avoid hitting butterflies! Wind can make the game harder... - Levels are easy to beat, but it is hard...
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Et spil fremstillet af clockworkmonster
Oversat af clockworkmonster


Et godt spil jeg lavede.

Kom hen til den blinkende sten til højre så hutigt du kan.

Brug piletasterne 'venstre, ned eller højre' for at hoppe henholdsvigs 1, 2 eller 3 felter

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Et spil fremstillet af davidw
Oversat af agf

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