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Månedens mest spillede

Månedens mest spillede - 91 Spil
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Nano Bot

Nano Bot
Guide Nano Bot through a series of malfunctioning computer circuits to make critical repairs and save the lives of everyone aboard your ship. Use the mouse to feed coordinates to Nano Bot and guide him to the swirling exit. Be efficient with your moves, Nano Bot gains a little speed each time. Don't touch any walls. Glowing red areas are shorts in the circuit and will give Nano Bot a massive...
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Et spil fremstillet af wakeforestgames
Oversat af wakeforestgames

Mega Fortress

Mega Fortress
Shoot them all, destroy tank, jeep, and many more.
Controls : Mouse to shoot and Space to change gun

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Et spil fremstillet af admin
Oversat af xdigox

Pawel and the Teutonic Castle

Pawel and the Teutonic Castle
Attack the Teutonic Castle! Use the mouse to aim and shoot at the Teuntonic soldiers, and try to survive as long as possible.

Use the arrow keys (or WASD keys) to move left or right in order to avoid enemy attacks.

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Et spil fremstillet af admin
Oversat af mrsneeze

Spider in the rain

Spider in the rain
You're a spider sitting on a wall. You try to catch flies by jumping on them. The only thing you need to look out for is the rain. If you get wet you'll eventually drop dead.
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Et spil fremstillet af admin
Oversat af admin

Slippery Side Swipe

Slippery Side Swipe
Move the mouse accordingly, to control the four paddles, up, down, left, and right. The playing field is slippery, making the paddles more difficult to control. Keep the ball in the playing field and collect all 5 blue coins for extra life.
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Et spil fremstillet af admin
Oversat af admin

Irritating game

Irritating game
Kontrollere den lille orm med pile og prøv og overleve så længe som muligt.
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Et spil fremstillet af kek
Oversat af Inflames

FastShoot 2

FastShoot 2
New version of Fastshoot. Enemy spaceships are more tougher and gameplay was added with survival bonus and powerups to pick all along the game.
Good luck!

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Et spil fremstillet af mig
Oversat af jp

Striking Saints

Striking Saints
Målet med spillet er at få den højeste score muligt, ved at ødelægge fjender:
Helgenerne med de røde krydser.
Du vil få bonus point og et ekstra liv når de lander:
Helgener med de grønne cirkler.
Roter blomsten med højre og venstre pileknapperne. Mellemrum for at skyde og tryk "p" for at sætte spillet på pause.

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Et spil fremstillet af superjoep
Oversat af Hepheistos

My diamond

My diamond
Miepie in a deadly race with a moving frame of lasers. In search for her 'diamond'. The game is over once she gets in contact with the moving lasers. There is no award of winning this game it's the feeling that you are the master of the universe.
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Et spil fremstillet af allardp
Oversat af allardp

Cavern Flier

Cavern Flier
Fly as high as you can! Use the arrow keys or WASD to fly the ship, and space fires.
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Et spil fremstillet af mrsneeze
Oversat af mrsneeze

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