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Aventură - 116 Jocuri
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3wish Adventures
Great artwork, funny characters, and inventive puzzles divided into 3 unique series, with a boy, a rat, or Mr. Zhong Kui.
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Comentarii(6) - Înscris de jp / Tradus de jp
Just Another Escape
It's another escape-from-the-room game. Search carefully in the whole room above,below or next things. If you want to choose an object, drag it into stage. This game is designed by
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Comentarii(0) - Înscris de HB10 / Tradus de HB10
Evolution Game
This is actually a very fun game It can be quite frustrating, though...
Start out as a small primate in the forests 50 million years ago. As you move around the map trying to find food and avoid being eaten, the world changes. You will have to adapt! Can your lineage survive to the present day? And what will you end up looking like? The answer depends on how you play...
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Comentarii(1) - Înscris de HB10 / Tradus de HB10
Stick RPG Complete
Traieste o viata precum jocul sim online. Ai multe posibilitati de exploarare...
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Hapland 2
The sequel of one of the first click & point game, created by Robin Allen. This one is a lot harder.
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Comentarii(2) - Înscris de HB10 / Tradus de jp
Lego Alpha Team
Explore the map and complete several missions with your lego tiny car. The moves of the car are awesome. Some tips : use the bridge as a ramp, turn to alpha mode (SHIFT) to destroy the ice blocks.
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Smart Stick Adventure 2 1/2
Help Stickman by clicking right things in right order. The graphics are in a quick and dirty style, but the animation is carefully polished. A fun game by prikedelik.

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Comentarii(1) - Înscris de jp / Tradus de jp
Itchana Tchones 4 Alien wars
This is a funny platform adventure game staring Itchana Tchones, a parody of Indiana Jones. B to use and SPACE to fight. A game by
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Comentarii(2) - Înscris de jp / Tradus de jp
Gold yard
Curtea cu Aur (orig. "Gold yard") este un mic, dar maret joc "flash", creat de Francesco Maisto, in spiritul sarbatorii Halloween. Tu esti un Hobbit care incearca sa scape dintr-un cimitir. Folosind tastele sageti, pentru a te deplasa, iti vei creea drum printr-o multime de camere si decoruri, adunand aur, gasind chei si rezolvand puzzle-uri. In tot acest timp incearca sa nu fii ucis de fantome sau monstrii.
  [Fă o corecţieRomână]
Comentarii(0) - Înscris de jp / Tradus de OvidOvid
The Dark Room
(Camera intunecoasa)
Un excelent joc logic tridimensional, creat in flash. Principala ta provocare este intrebarea: "Si acum ce trebuie sa fac?" Folosind doar mouse-ul, plasandu-l si apoi clic, vei rezolva misterul Camerei INtunecoase.
  [Fă o corecţieRomână]
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