Joc Multiplayer - 57 Jocuri |
Just letters This is a multiplayer toy developed for Flash Communication Server by stefan from Up to 50 players simultaneously drag and drop letters on the same fridge to form words and communicate. An interesting experiment to try at least once. [Traduceţi ] [Fă o corecţie ] Comentarii(2) - / Tradus de jp |
Fosfor Beta 1 Nick Knang din Rasterwerks, creatorul "Valului de İmpact"(numela original Shockwave) 3D-cu multiplijucatori, primul jucator este aruncator-primul jucator tragator-(FPS)jocul. "Fosfor Beta 1"cu multipli jucatori, are ca funciune ,lupte mortalesi toate cestea sufeaza pe internetul explorer al dumneavoastra. [Fă o corecţie ] Comentarii(8) - Înscris de jp / Tradus de Gulsen E |
Dofus DOFUS is a growing and promising MMORPG game (over 600,000 registered users). The game is developed by a team from the north of France and was originally published in french. Unlike the other games presented in this directory, this one can't be played on your browser but it's really worth taking the time to install it on your computer. You must register and download the game (about 50Mo) on your computer (compatible with Windows, MacOs, and Linux) before starting. You can play for free, but for a fully functional game you must pay about 5€ a month which is not expensive for such a great game. DOFUS offers a unique blend of tactical fights, role playing game, mad humour and colourful graphics. The evolutionary structure of this online video-game and the regular additions and modifications are some of the reasons for the game's success. [Traduceţi ] [Fă o corecţie ] Comentarii(6) - Înscris de jp / Tradus de jennalynn6 |
Massively Multiplayer Pong This is more a concept art than an actual game. Massively Multiplayer Pong is exactly what it sounds like. You'll be assigned a team randomly, and receive a semi-transparent circle that represents your influence within the game. Moving your mouse up or down will move your influence, always keeping your circle horizontally aligned with your mouse pointer. Boring but fascinating. [Traduceţi ] [Fă o corecţie ] Comentarii(6) - Înscris de jp / Tradus de jp |
Stick Arena XGen sutdios has released an amazing real-time deathmatch multiplayer game! Incredible stuff. Use the arrow keys to move around and click to shoot. Flash player version 8 needed. [Traduceţi ] [Fă o corecţie ] Comentarii(15) - Înscris de Tannon / Tradus de Tannon |
Hotelul Habbo Hotelul Habbo ( ideea originala venita din Finlanda ) este un hotel de 5 stele unde tu incepi prin ati crea un "tu" virtual (asa numitul "Habbo"). Apoi vei intalni si te vei juca si interactiona cu alti Habbo. Grafica este isometrica si 3D si multe alte chestii il fac sa fie un joc "de vazut". Inregistrarea este gratuita dar unele activitati nu. [Fă o corecţie ] Comentarii(20) - Înscris de jp / Tradus de Mishu |
Legenda lui Zoro Legenda lui Zoro este un joc de strategie tip turn-base care promoveaza filmul cu acelasi titlu ce urmeaza sa apara. Obiectivul jocului este eliminarea adversarului din joc. De fiecare data vei avea 40 de secunde pentru a selecta o secventa de trei actiuni (atac, energizare, aparare sau miscare) Instructiunile sunt in engleza. [Fă o corecţie ] Comentarii(1) - Înscris de jp / Tradus de rechinu |
Tactics Arena Online TAO is a turn based strategy game. You command an army on a battlefield and your goal is to decimate your opponents team. [Traduceţi ] [Fă o corecţie ] Comentarii(0) - Înscris de jp / Tradus de jp |
Urban Dead Urban Dead is a massively multiplayer zombie apocalypse game where the living and the undead compete for the control of a quarantined city. There are alreay 90000 registered players. [Traduceţi ] [Fă o corecţie ] Comentarii(0) - Înscris de jp / Tradus de jp |
WeBoggle Lupta impotriva razboinicilor Boggle online. Numai cuvinte englezesti, foarte dificile pentru cei care nu vorbesc engleza fluent. [Fă o corecţie ] Comentarii(4) - Înscris de jp / Tradus de Ana-Maria |