Sporturi cu motor - 75 Jocuri |
Bumper karts Drive your kart with the cursor keys, and complete the 3 laps in pole position to go next level. It seems a powerful computer is needed. [Traduceţi ] [Fă o corecţie ] Comentarii(0) - Înscris de jp / Tradus de jp |
Waffle Boy's mountain adventure Waffle Boy must recover the delicious Waffle Crisp cereal stolen by the professor Burnt Torst. Arrow keys and 'D' to jump off vehicle.
[edit 08/2008] The title and the skin of the game has changed, it is now "Bronk's moutain adventure", but it's the same game actually!
[Traduceţi ] [Fă o corecţie ] Comentarii(3) - Înscris de jp / Tradus de jp |
Super snowmobile rally Drive your snowmobile with arrow keys and avoid obstacles by jumping with spacebar. [Traduceţi ] [Fă o corecţie ] Comentarii(0) - Înscris de jp / Tradus de jp |
Turbo spirit / Turbo racer A cool bike racing game. This game features four tracks with five segments each. You have 30 seconds for each segment, don't run out of time!
Use ARROW LEFT and RIGHT to steer, ARROW UP to accelerate and ARROW DOWN to break. [Traduceţi ] [Fă o corecţie ] Comentarii(0) - / Tradus de linz |
Driver's Ed (driving licence) Pass your driving licence exam in 7 tests. Use keyboard arrows, and listen to your instructor Ed. Becarful, Ed is not a funny guy... [Traduceţi ] [Fă o corecţie ] Comentarii(2) - Înscris de dewas / Tradus de jp |
Rich Racer Very good driving sensations with this cute racing game, arcade style. Try now. [Traduceţi ] [Fă o corecţie ] Comentarii(0) - Înscris de dewas / Tradus de jp |
Lunar Mouse House Very good rocket game. Get the blue ball and bring it to its pedestal. When the ball is catched, the rocket is getting hard to drive... Move with keyboard arrows. [Traduceţi ] [Fă o corecţie ] Comentarii(1) - Înscris de jp / Tradus de jp |
RC Stunt Machine Showdown! Keyboard Controls. Arrow keys control the vehicle,
the numbers 1, 2 and 3 change the camera angle. Spacebar changes the vehicle. P pauses the game. Collect as many batteries as you can before the time runs out. Instructions in English. [Traduceţi ] [Fă o corecţie ] Comentarii(0) - / Tradus de Mindraker |
Redline Rumble 2: Detonator A 3D driving game, with smooth graphics and controls. Arrow keys. Instructions in English. [Traduceţi ] [Fă o corecţie ] Comentarii(2) - Înscris de jp / Tradus de Mindraker |
Drag Racer 3(Legal raceing) Un joc in care conduci masini proiectate de tine. Cu cat castigi mai multe cuurse, poti sa cumperi masinute mai de doamne-ajuta. Diferenta dintre nivele(usor,mediu,nasol) e suma cu care incepi.
Poti sa joci in Arcade mode unde poti sa ciordesti orce masina si sa te dai cu ea.Asa poti si tu sa afli ce caruta sa-ti cunperi. In TunerMode faci ce zisai la inceput. Daca vrei sa joci online,dauladeaza jocu mai intai sphat: In'tuner'dupa ce pariezi(beat)un car alege LAST o sa vezi ca e de bine. [Fă o corecţie ] Comentarii(4) - Înscris de Domel / Tradus de VAC |