Belastning - 144 Spil |
Rong Rong is a kind of circular Pong. Use the mouse to move the blue paddle. Hit the ball and try to get it past your oppopents. The first to score 15 points win.
Adding circularity to classic gameplays is a very common way to design new games. Try also this circular Bust-a-move, this circular pool, and this cicular pinball. [Oversætte ] [Tilføj en korrekt ] Kommentarer(0) - Tilmeldt af jp / Oversat af jp |
Star Destroyer Star Destroyer is a simple yet enjoyable fast paced game in which you must destroy as many stars as possible. Appealing graphics and animations. The game was developed by a 20 years old guy ImprisonedPride. Controls with mouse. [Oversætte ] [Tilføj en korrekt ] Kommentarer(0) - Tilmeldt af jp / Oversat af jp |
Star Cab Star Cab er et spil i stil med Lunar Mouse House. Det er udviklet i Java af Jens from Retro grafik og fint gameplay. rør ikke nogen af væggene, brug piletasterne til at styre din taxa. [Tilføj en korrekt ] Kommentarer(0) - Tilmeldt af jp / |
Refleks Tester Dette er bare et spil eller legetøj til at teste dine reflekser. Klik på musen når skærmen bliver rød. Og prøv at fåden laveste reaktionstid. [Tilføj en korrekt ] Kommentarer(0) - Tilmeldt af jp / |
3D missil spillet Du skal styre et missil (med musen) gennem en kæmpe tunnel, mens du undviger roterende forhindringer. Et spil af Damien fra DX Interactive. Simpel og sjov at spille. En fantatisk test af dine reaktioner! [Tilføj en korrekt ] Kommentarer(2) - Tilmeldt af jp / Oversat af Lille ild |
Drag the Dot Drag the Dot is a simple Flash game, created by Oliver Castañeda, in which the objective is to drag the dot to the goal in each of the game's 16 levels. What is new here ? The 'magnetic' sticks that rotates relative to the mouse position, add a lot of challenge to the game. Well done. [Oversætte ] [Tilføj en korrekt ] Kommentarer(0) - Tilmeldt af jp / Oversat af jp |
Double Jeu Here comes an excellent and simple game from our "old member" kek. Try to hold the 2 balls on the screen. The problem is that you only have one mouse to control 2 paddles... [Oversætte ] [Tilføj en korrekt ] Kommentarer(15) - Tilmeldt af jp / Oversat af jp |
Snowball You must roll your ball as big as possible. Avoid all obstacles to last as long as possible. The bigger the ball is, the hardest it is to drive it (left and right arrow keys). [Oversætte ] [Tilføj en korrekt ] Kommentarer(3) - Tilmeldt af jp / Oversat af jp |
DR3I V3 The former DR3I games were very good, but this one is excellent. As before, you must avoid the moving obstacles. Collecting small positive and negative signs speeds up and slows down the rotation of the walls. But a devil black cloud is following you and you must also escape him. Grab the negative signs to slow it down. [Oversætte ] [Tilføj en korrekt ] Kommentarer(0) - Tilmeldt af jp / Oversat af jp |
RED Red offers an addictive gameplay based on a simple idea. You must divert the course of large asteroïds by shooting balls at them. Aim with the mouse and fire by clicking. To launch large balls, press the space bar; however, those will use up more ammo. [Oversætte ] [Tilføj en korrekt ] Kommentarer(6) - Tilmeldt af jp / Oversat af jp |