Belastning - 144 Spil |
Click the colour Click as fast as possible on the button corresponding to the appearing colour and try not to be disturbed by the meaning of the text. Basic knowledge of english colour names is needed to play this game: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue and Pink. [Oversætte ] [Tilføj en korrekt ] Kommentarer(4) - Tilmeldt af jp / Oversat af jp |
Invisible quest 2 A challenging game by Nicolás Fischman. Take the mouse cursor to the start. It becomes invisible and you must drive it to the finish withtout touching the walls. The surrounding eyes help you to locate the cursor through the maze as they always look at it. [Oversætte ] [Tilføj en korrekt ] Kommentarer(0) - Tilmeldt af jp / |
Cubic Exploding Goro I dette skøre jappanske 3D spil, styrer du med musen en soldat der skal undvige bølger af fjender. Brug musen til at bevæge og undgå at blive rørt af fjendtlige soldater og køretøjer. Hold musen nede for at lade en eksplosion og giv slip for at skyde.
Med over 24 baner og et bredt udvalg af fjender, er dette spil rimlig udfordrende. Gameplayed minder mig om andre spil der allerede er uploadet her, som Iconien og Pretty Pretty Bang Bang.
[Tilføj en korrekt ] Kommentarer(0) - Tilmeldt af jp / Oversat af Spindax |
Tube Racer Brug piletasterne til at køre med din robo-droide igennem et metal rør. Pas på forhindringer, venstre og højre pil til at rotere, op-pilen for at hoppe og ned-pilen for at dukke dig under forhindringer. Hurtigt og udfordrende spil. [Tilføj en korrekt ] Kommentarer(1) - Tilmeldt af jp / Oversat af Spindax |
Space worms You control one dot with the arrow keys and must avoid the other one, always following your dot. You must last as long as possible without being touched by the bad dot. [Oversætte ] [Tilføj en korrekt ] Kommentarer(0) - Tilmeldt af jp / Oversat af jp |
City Jumper New York City This game is a sequel to the great game City Jumper. This New York City Edition just provides new levels and new obstacles to jump but it's still very enjoyable to play. Left arrow key for small jump and right arrow for long jump. So simple and so fun. [Oversætte ] [Tilføj en korrekt ] Kommentarer(0) - Tilmeldt af jp / Oversat af jp |
Sesam invaders Again another twist on the Space invaders theme. This time you must shoot down the incoming "words" by typing all their letters before they reach the ground. The game originates in Norway, and the words are in Norwegian. It will be a lot easier if you speak the language. The gameplay is very similar to the Play4Traffic game. There is however one problem when playing in English or any other language and that is if your keyboard doesn't have the unique Norwegian alphabet "characters" then you're toast. You automatically lose a player/round if you miss even one word and without the keyboard "characters" that happens as early as Round 2. [Oversætte ] [Tilføj en korrekt ] Kommentarer(0) - Tilmeldt af jp / Oversat af jennalynn6 |
Chroma Blast From Clever media studios, "Chroma blast" is an original shooter in which you fight against colors. Use the Z (blue), X (yellow) and C (red) keys to fire blasts of color and destroy the incoming plasma. Your blast color must match the plasma color to destroy it. In later levels you must mix the colors and even combine all three. For example, for an orange incoming plasma, you must simultneously press the X (yellow) and C (red) key to destroy it. [Oversætte ] [Tilføj en korrekt ] Kommentarer(7) - Tilmeldt af jp / Oversat af jp |
Reflex 3 Test your reflexes in this fast paced shooter. Shoot the targets before they disapear, with a limited number of bullets. Aim at the center of the targets for more points.
Once you completed this one, play again to the excellent Chris Ryan's Sniping school. [Oversætte ] [Tilføj en korrekt ] Kommentarer(0) - Tilmeldt af jp / Oversat af jp |
Bak Bak Rygsækker Disse sindsyge gutter fra Norge har lavet et meget simplet men udfordrene spil. Hvis du ikke tror på at de er sindsyge, så se dem spil kyllinge fløjte spil på En kylling løber rundt om en roterende kugle og samler forskellige objecter for points og prøver at overleve så længe så mulligt. Styremåden er meget simple. Brug "op pilen" til at hoppe eller bevæge dig hurtigerer og "ned pilen" for at bevæge dig langsommerer eller dukke dit hoved. Rør ikke kors symbolet da dette betyder øjebliklig død. [Tilføj en korrekt ] Kommentarer(0) - Tilmeldt af jp / Oversat af Vagn I Helvetia |