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Land : Norge - Norway
Registration 31 januari 2005 12:37
Senaste besök 4 September 2006 16:00

Programmerar profil

Personlig statestik
tillbaka  1  2  3  4  5  nästa  
  Ingen rank

15 7.8 108.51 64.62 27 Februari 2006 11:19
Elefanten spel
  Ingen rank
11 13.96 46.37 31.25 23 Maj 2005 17:52
Elefanten spel
  Ingen rank
11 -2.36 56.52 35.07 31 Juli 2005 13:35


Centrifuge   Ingen rank

10 0 40 8 27 Februari 2006 16:02
  Ingen rank

9 -2.04 98.87 51.28 26 Februari 2006 15:46
Tunnel rusning   Ingen rank

8 414 2243 1205 6 Juli 2006 18:40
Hoppriddare   Ingen rank

7 1 2 1 20 Augusti 2005 16:56
Mask Tävling   Ingen rank

5 25 39 33 26 Februari 2006 15:43

Senaste uppdatering : 6 Mars 2025 10:19

Senaste meddelande Senaste meddelande
  Profil     Meddelande jp ( 23 Augusti 2005 18:31) : I've updated the game with the one you sent but it doesn't save the socres anymore.
  Profil     Meddelande jp ( 29 Augusti 2005 08:48) : A new bug in GoWild, the submited score was 758 and Rodrigo did 329
  Profil     Meddelande jp ( 29 Augusti 2005 17:03) : Rodrigo made a score of 329 poitns and the highscore show 758. I thought maybe in some case, the score is not reseted at the gameover, is it possible?
  Profil     Meddelande X-man ( 3 Mars 2006 06:50) : hello Kazur, the Walking box looks like a nice game but i think it is too hard too make a score if u have too compleet all 10 levels...
  Profil     Meddelande jp ( 3 Mars 2006 09:40) : I agree with X-man, the game cannot be released like this. It's a little big too long to play. It lacks a little bit more fun.
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