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Preklad stranky (Česky - Korejsky)

Pouhá jedna minuta stačí, aby bylo vše přelozeno. Pepere team není schopen platit profesionály, ale pokud chcete usnadnit přístup návštěvníkům z vaší země. Nemusíte přeložit všechno. To, co nevíte, klidně nechte prázdné. Překlady budou rychle validovány a zveřejněny online. Díky moc za pomoc.
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KorejskyDosazene : 402 / 1938 [Prohlédni si další překlad ]
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Discuss, learn, and share, the best way to improve yourself.

Put your games online, get back opinions, advices and glory for the best works.

2xFlash is a multilingual platform where the game programmers and gamers can meet each other.

Manage your highscores with this MX2004/Flash 8 Actionscript 2 code example.

This code is valid only for your next uploaded game.

If you own a website, subscribe to google adsense, enter the following fields and 40% of the advertissing banners displayed on your game pages will be yours.

For each new game you want to upload, you must obtain the parameter params in order to manage the highscores. Go on this page while being connected as a membre of to get the params value.

On Pepere we are developing online games that can be played on your internet browser. We use Flash, Java and are opened to all upcoming technologies.

Since 2004, the «Pepere spirit» has gathered a strong community of %d players and game developers.

The exclusive games created by the team

More and more talented games developers trust our platform to show their games to a large audience.

Since 2005, the team is also using this platform to present its games.

A selection of the most innovative and interesting games that can be played with your internet browser on other websites.

Pepere is translated in many languages thanks to the contribution of all visitors and members. We thank all of you for your support to the «Pepere project»!

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Administrátoři provádějí kontrolu, úpravu a povrzení veřejně vytvořených překladů. Mluvíte velmi dobře anglicky? Myslíte, že byste s námi na mohli strávit pár hodin týdně? Neváhejte a kontaktujte nás.
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Přeložil burfy
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  Profil     Zprava vzkaz hoodiemeant ( 5 září 2024 01:37) : <a href="">google</a>
[link name=google][/link]
(( google))
[ google]
[[ google]]

  Profil     Zprava vzkaz shelachocolate ( 20 brezen 2025 01:33) : Mastering the Slopes: Getting the hang of [Snow rider]( is a journey of skill and timing. Perfecting your jumps and slides will turn you into a slope-shredding pro.
  Profil     Zprava vzkaz shelachocolate ( 20 brezen 2025 01:33) : <a href="">Snow rider</a>
[url=]Snow rider[/url]
[Snow rider](
  Profil     Zprava vzkaz shelachocolate ( 20 brezen 2025 01:34) : [url=]vex game[/url]
[link=]fall guys[/link]
[link name=fall guys][/link]
(( fall guys))
[ fall guys]
[[ fall guys]]
[L=fall guys][/L]
“fall guys”:
[fall guys](
  Profil     Zprava vzkaz shelachocolate ( 20 brezen 2025 01:34) : google

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