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Najviac hrané za mesiac

Najviac hrané za mesiac - 91 Hry
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Noname Game

Noname Game
Collect as many apples you can without being eaten up by the monster to raise your score, but also to raise the boost-meter..

When your boost-meter gets green, your speed is increased and the apples are worth more.. when it's empty, you'll have normal speed.. The higher the boost-meter are, the more points you'll get..

Use arrow keys to move..

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Hru vytvoril d0ornab
Preložil(a) d0ornab

Escape from the Flooded Room

Escape from the Flooded Room
Zobudil/a/ som sa na mieste, na ktoré si nepamätám. Som tu zamknutý/á/. Ale
tá studená voda je najhorsia. Viem len jedno,je cas íst!

  [Skontrolovať správnosťSlovensky]

Hru vytvoril sigman


A "creative" minigolf game with 18 tracks, multiple holes and exits, traditional and non-traditional obstacles, round obstacles,fans,cone-shaped obstacles, magic carpets, strange robots, misterious waters,ife jackets and immeasurable holes.

Final score = holes*1000 + (gap between total strokes - total par (no bonus))*100

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Hru vytvoril popoyl
Preložil(a) popoyl


A small, classical and fast shootem up. <br>Controls : Arrow keys to move and spacebar to shoot.
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Hru vytvoril mig

Kolieska a palice

Kolieska a palice
Táto hra hovorí sama za seba
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Hru vytvoril Komix
Preložil(a) natal37


30 levels of orb destroying fun. The blue orb is controlled by a springy connection to the mouse. Destroy all green orbs, avoid other colors. Bonuses, bosses and survival mode!

Pepere highscores are enabled in Normal mode only.

Hint: for higher scores go for combos and make good use of the shield.

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Hru vytvoril gws34
Preložil(a) gws34


Three fellows move on the board. When a fellow arrives over a crossroad, he chooses a direction blindly. But if an adjacent space contains a candy, he chooses the direction of it. Click on a space to set/unset a candy and use them to avoid the collisions. Game ends when you have reach 20 collisions.
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Hru vytvoril alainc
Preložil(a) jp

Phase Out!

Phase Out!
Try to phase out all of the tiles. Please note: The 2nd level of the square game is the ONLY game that tracks your score (this is the 5x5 game). Depending on the popularity I could always change it to one of the harder levels. Enjoy!!
[PreložiťSlovensky]   [Skontrolovať správnosťAnglicky]

Hru vytvoril jbensch
Preložil(a) jbensch

Just Sudoku

Just Sudoku
A Sudoku game with lots of different puzzles to solve online without using pen and paper. The aim of the puzzle is to enter a numeral from 1 through 9 in each cell of a grid, most frequently a 9×9 grid made up of 3×3 subgrids (called "regions"), starting with various numerals given in some cells (the "givens"). Each row, column and region must contain only one instance of each numeral....
[PreložiťSlovensky]   [Skontrolovať správnosťAnglicky]

Hru vytvoril


Players take turns connecting two dots with a line. If a player complets a box it is shaded to his color. The player with the most shaded boxes win.
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Hru vytvoril psyon
Preložil(a) psyon

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