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Preklad Stránky (Slovensky - Icelandic)

Na preloženie týchto pár slov a viet do tvojho obľúbeného jazyka stačí len 1 minúta. Team Pépére nemá prostriedky na zaplatenie profesionálnych prekladateľov, ale ak sa ti táto stránka páči, zjednoduš ju aj pre ľudí z tvojej krajiny. Nemusíš prekladať všetko, políčko, ktorého význam nevieš alebo nechceš preložiť, ponechaj prázdne.
Preklady skontrolujeme predtým, ako ich zverejníme.
Ďakujeme ti za pomoc.
  [Skontrolovať správnosťSlovensky]
IcelandicVýsledok : 286 / 1938 [Pozri ďalší preklad ]
Pépère covered in snow, gliding on a circuit

Pépère out on the sea on his yacht, slaloming between buoys

Pépère skiing, surfing, slaloming

Pépère, his car and his parallel parking

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Don't forget to login to update your personnal stats.

The goal of the game is to complete a lap in either of the 2 routes as quickly as possible.

Don't reload the page to restart, there is «Stop» button for this. And above all, don't cheat, it's very easy to do, and there is no interest.

The comments must be written in french or english, avoid insults and ads. Please respect this rule because this is a lot of work to moderate.

You can look at the replays of other players clicking on the up left green circle. As the number of replays is very high, a daily selection is done containing the best ones and a hundred of aleatory replays.

The %d best scores are kept in database, the 20 best scores with a link towards a (non adult) page are shown on the main page. Only one score by pseudo, don't be surprised if your former replays are deleted.

Those languages are currently translated by users, you can translate or modify a few words online to help us.

The goal of the game is to slalom between the buoys following arrows.

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Motor sports

Multiplayer games

Flash games directory

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Administrátori stránky vykonávajú kontrolné čítanie, opravujú a posudzujú správnosť prekladu stránok. Vieš veľmi dobre po anglicky? Myslíš si, že by si mohol stráviť niekoľko hodín týždenne s nami, na portáli Tak neváhaj a kontaktuj nás.
  [Skontrolovať správnosťSlovensky]
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  Profil     Odkaz hoodiemeant ( 5 september 2024 01:37) : <a href="">google</a>
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[ google]
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  Profil     Odkaz shelachocolate ( 20 marec 2025 01:33) : <a href="">Snow rider</a>
[url=]Snow rider[/url]
[Snow rider](
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[ fall guys]
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[L=fall guys][/L]
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  Profil     Odkaz shelachocolate ( 20 marec 2025 01:34) : google

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