Anuario Juegos

Traducción del sitio - Dofus

Traducción del sitio - Juegos en línea (Anuario)

FrancésInglésPortuguésPortuguésRusoEspañolChino simplificadoJaponésAlemánPolacoHúngaro


DOFUS is a growing and promising MMORPG game (over 600,000 registered users). The game is developed by a team from the north of France and was originally published in [url=]french[/url]. Unlike the other games presented in this directory, this one can't be played on your browser but it's really worth taking the time to install it on your computer. You must register and download the game (about 50Mo) on your computer (compatible with Windows, MacOs, and Linux) before starting. You can play for free, but for a fully functional game you must pay about 5€ a month which is not expensive for such a great game. DOFUS offers a unique blend of tactical fights, role playing game, mad humour and colourful graphics. The evolutionary structure of this online video-game and the regular additions and modifications are some of the reasons for the game's success.


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Traducido por Eliai