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18 julio 2023 Flash is alive, Pepere is alive!
     Er.. well, as you know, Flash is dead since the 1 jan 2021. And our dear pepere is a site games made with Flash. BUT. For those. Who still wants. To play the games. You can install the Flashbrowser. What is this? It's an open source browser (based on Chromium which is also open source), that uses the latest flash plugin released by Adobe in 2020. As far as I can know, it's safe, at least on Pepere games.
Happy holidays to all of you and see you very very soon for next update (in 10 years).
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15 abril 2019 Backend update
     The site was storing passwords in clear until now in the database, this was a risky situation in case a hacker breaks into the database. From now on, it's fixed, passwords are hashed and old passwords have been hashed too. I've wanted to do this for a long time, and I'm glad it's done now.
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7 noviembre 2017 Huge update

Nope... kidding... I just added the "Cookies consent" banner which is a mandatory thing on all EU sites now.

Pepere is 13 years aold now, and still alive (kind of).

I'm still alive too and making games, but not Flash games anymore, only iOS and Android. I'm releasing a new game called "BoneSwiper" in a couple of days on iOS and Android. It will be free so check it out.

Seriously, if you're reading this article on an deserted 13 years old site, you're a rock star. Big hugs to all!
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Comentarios(8)Propuesto por jp
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23 mayo 2011 A post every year ?
     I wanted to post something on and I just realized that I posted exactly one year ago! I'm as regular as clockwork!

I'm very busy with my indie game developer job right now but I'm still visiting and adding new games in directory every week.

Want to see some of my iPhone games? I plan to make new Flash games soon, so stay tuned

If you want to reach me, the fastest way is to use twitter. Post a tweet starting with @jpsarda and I'll answer quickly.
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23 mayo 2010 40000 miembros
     El miembro número 40000 de es una chica de Polonia: [userid = 79499]. No hay nada que ganar, pero felicitaciones de todos modos.
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Traducido por Julian L.

29 noviembre 2009 Edge
     Tim Langdell suing anyone who uses the word "edge" without licensing it from him.
In an apparent move to band against Tim Langdell's over aggressive defense of the trademark "EDGE", a number of indie developers have made announcements today that their games will incorporate the EDGE name.

The world is crazy .
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18 septiembre 2008 Simple highscore submition
     Este post esta dirigido desarrolladores de juegos flash.

El highscore submition el código ha sido modificado para hacerlo mas simple.

Ahora usted (solamente) tiene que insertar esta línea en sus juegos:"saveGlobalScore",score);

Puede ser más simple?
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Traducido por betiana

20 febrero 2008 Still alive
     Pepere is still alive!

Not many new games on pepere recently, but still adding 3 games a week on the online games directory with the great help of Wormhole and ...

I've been working a lot on a new project, a new site and new games. The new site is in test phase here : Bonus Level . Org. If you want to test it (for now it's not very fun, it's only testings), you need an invitation. Post here to get one (I will send it in PM).

The Capsules players, will immediately realize that is inspired by this game. Capsules is an incredible adventure with more than 322 official levels and 500 accepted levels created by the community! I thought that would be a great idea to build a site only dedicated to games with online editors.

So far, only 1 game on BL, but very soon 1 new game by tonypa and 1 new game by me (called Rolling Turtle using an engine similar to the one used in Jump gear). And one day Jump Gear 2 will be released on BL. So stay tuned.
[edit] Very soon Push & Jump gear 2.

I hope that later the games created on BL will be playable with highscores on

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Comentarios(7)Propuesto por jp
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19 mayo 2007 Pronto un juego nuevo
     Pronto un juego pepere nuevo. Es un pequeño pasatiempo llamado "Mamuts Locos", una carrera de mamuts congelados. Aqui unos pantallazos

Jugadores bienvenidos.
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6 abril 2007 Another hard disk has crashed
     Unlucky, once again, the hard disk of the server has crashed. This time, no data loss (thanks god), all the levels of the Capsules game are safe .
After 2 days down, the website is up again but it might still be buggy for a few days.
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13 enero 2007 Looking for beta-testers and level designers!
The next game is called "Capsules" and it's fairly advanced now. It's a kind of web2.0 game where members create their own levels. The system is brand new and I need testers to check all is working fine. The testers must speak english or french. The goal is also to design some good levels while testing. If you are interested, just post a little comment and I'll contact you when it's ready to test.
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Comentarios(23)Propuesto por jp
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2 enero 2007 Happy new year 2007!
     Hi all! Happy new year and best wishes for 2007!
I'm still here working on new games. Of course there is a "Jump gear Level Edition" in the pipeline, but there will be another game (or 2) before it comes out. Why? Because I want to test the new level editing and sharing system with a game more simple than Jump Gear. The new system will allow you to create levels and share them with all visitors. The levels will be moderated, which means that some levels (badly done, boring, already seen...) won't be acceped so the players won't play the same levels again and again, only innovative levels.

Main events of 2006

- The 2xFlash section has received about 30 new games this year. We are not professional game deelopers but we do our best to provide innovative and enjoyable games. Thanks a lot to all developers who trusted to show their work.

- X-man is still our world champion, but yusuf123 and abdussamed are learning very fast.

- Jump Gear has become very popular with more than 400000 views only 5 months after being released. Special thanks to Yanism38, abdussamed and other very good players for the interesting fight in the highscores table.

What's next?

- New level sharing system.

- New games.

- Website improvements (favorites, emails notifications, "who is online"... among other things).

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Traducido por bastien

18 julio 2006 How to make a simple Flash game?
I often receive emails from people asking "Hello, could you tell me where I should start to make a Flash game?".

This is not an easy answer. I will give in this article some interesting links to start with and go deeper too. Don't forget that Flash is just a tool. This article focuses on the technical aspect of the game developement but never forget that a game has many other aspects : game and level design, addictive game mechanics, graphics, and above all, it must be fun to play and innovative.
...Lea más...

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Comentarios(13)Propuesto por jp
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13 mayo 2006 What's new?
Almost every day game developers send their latest creations to Pepere to be considered for inclusion on our site. One example, is an excellent new game myDiamon by allardp. Two incredible new Java games, miners4K and Fastshoot 2 have also been added recently. The second game is a sequel developed by mig who although already very skilled, somehow manages to amaze us each time he submits a new game to Pepere. qplaygames, has also created some new games which have been added to our growing list. They are, Cold Fusion and my personal favourite, Cyballs
I would like to thank all the developers who have put their trust in Pepere and allowed us to showcase their innovative and creative new games.
Game developers create games for all of us to enjoy and the only way to improve or perfect these games is through feedback from players like you. Please don't hesitate to post constructive comments or suggestions that you think will enhance the games. Giving the game a fair and honest rating also helps improve the creative process. This type of interest, encouragement and even criticism will help the developers improve their craft and hone their skills. This is a win/win opportunity for both players and developers. Players get to "test drive" one of a kind new games and developers are given an opportunity to receive valuable input and encouragement.

A new Pepere game is in the final stages of development and will soon be released. It is based on a soccer theme and will be called, Soccer Challenge...

Many of you have played the newest Pepere game, Ringmania 2. I am happy to say that I have received very good feedback from members and I would like to thank all those who took the time to submit their comments.

I would like to make some changes which I think will improve website.
The first is to create a forum devoted to helping Flash and Java game developers.
Next I am considering a newsletter which members can sign up for. It would come in the form of an email notification letting members know when new games have been added to the site.
It may also be interesting to create sub-categories and include new games in the "Pepere Fights".
Another idea that is under consideration, is a system, possibly using polls, to encourage members to provide opinions and suggestions about what they would like to see added or changed on the site in the future.
Our priority still remains the development of new games, so it may be some time before you see these ideas developed and put into place. ^_^.

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Comentarios(6)Propuesto por jp
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27 marzo 2006 Black sunday for the French internet
     Redbus Interhouse (Paris), Data Center where are located our equipments, faced yesterday a major power crisis. Thousands of french websites went down including The intervention on the main dijonctor will take place today. might be unstable once again today.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
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22 enero 2006 Server crash
     We are sorry to anounce that there was a server hard disk crash today. The database was restored from the 9th january. There is a lot of data lost and we I'm sorry for thos who entered high scores and performed translations meanwhile.

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Comentarios(2)Propuesto por jp
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31 deciembre 2005 Feliz ano novo!
     Para esse ano novinho em folha, a esta trabalhando em um novo jogo. O conceito já esta pronto, mas o desenvolvimento desse vai ser um trabalho duro. Também estou pensando na sequencia do Ringmania.

Eu também vou tentar melhorar a interface do, premitindo que comentários sejam enviados sobre os jogos do diretório e as notícias.

Eu possivelmente acrescentarei a possibilidade de fazer uma doação atravéz do Paypal. Como desenvolver jogos não é minha atividade principal, a única maneira de lançar mais e melhores jogos é o dinheiro.

Nesse ano de 2005, depois de 57376 tentativas por todos jogos do, parabéns para X-man que se tornou o Campeão do "Desafio". Eu tenho certeza que Rodrigo.Riveros vai tentar conseguir seu titulo de volta no ano de 2006. Aliás, para os que gostão do orkut, Rodrigo criou uma comunidade do pepere
orkut comunity.

Para finalizar como de costume, muito obrigado aos adminz do e os tradutores de toda parte do mundo que gastam um pouco do seu tempo para nos ajudar a desenvolver esse site.

Feliz ano novo a todos vocês! =D
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Comentarios(4)Propuesto por jp

9 octubre 2005 Ringmania is out!
     Ringmania, the new flash game is released!
The game concept is a mix between Bubble Bobble, Incas and Tetris but it brings its new ideas.
17 levels (for now) of increasing difficulty, and a level editor is available.
Thanks to HB10 (level 8) and dewas for their contribution.

By the way, the version 8 of the flash player is out, don't foret to upgrade your players. Upgrade.
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15 agosto 2005 Nice new mini game
     A long time since the last news. is still alive. We are still providing the online directory with the best online games we found everyday.
And I want to thank kek for the irritating game he has just submited in the 2xFlash section!
The developpement of the next game (maybe called Bubblemania) is progressing nicely... As usual, thanks to the whole team for the translations and its support.
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11 mayo 2005 Games, games and more games
     These are the latest news :
1) You have maybe noticed that the pages are now loading a lot faster on The website is now hosted on a brand new linux server to support the load of the increasing number of visitors. We have now the possibility to think about multiplayer games.
2) Statistics by country are available now for 2xFlash games.
3) Subscirbe to/Unsubscribe from the newsletter by editing your profile.
4) The new game is out, a game between the classic "Save your base" and "Asteroïds" games, based on keyboard skills : Save the earth.
5) Many new games (Striking saints, Centrifuge, Diams, ...) uploaded on the 2xFlash section by flash game developpers. We thank all of them for their creativity and for trusting
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