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Traducción del sitio - 2xFlash and New game

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2xFlash and New game

<table width=100%><tr><td>[img][/img]</td><td>These are the latest news of :

[b]1)[/b] The new flash game is out, a hard one about an old game called "Bilboquet". It has been pretty hard to develop, the non elastic rope simulation was a true chinese puzzle to solve.

[b]2)[/b] 2xFlash is a new space dedicated to players and flash game developpers. You can now upload your flash games on, with the possibility to implement high scores, replays and to display your own google adsense to get back reward from your work. Already 2 games have been uploaded, the [gameid=2]unicycle challenge[/gameid] and the [gameid=5]knight jump[/gameid] by [userid=20990] and [userid=21510]. Thanks to both of you!

[b]3)[/b] More than 8000 members are subscribed to

[b]4)[/b] As usual thanks to all adminz of and all translators for their faithfulness and their great work on translating and moderating in many languages!</td></tr></table>


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Traducido por Eliai