Estrategia - 234 Juegos |
Tri-achnid Tri-achnid is a fresh and innovative Flash game developed by Florian Himsl (also known as Komix on and designed by Edmund McMillen. You play in the skin of a three-legged arachnid controlled by moving the three feet through clicking and dragging. Use WASD keys to position the Triachnid's head for balancing. Use SPACE to grab objects and CTRL to create a web. Your goal is to find a safe place for the survival of your species. The game mechanics remind me of Extreme climbing. [Traducir ] [Envie una corrección ] Comentarios(0) - Propuesto por jp / Traducido por jp |
Draw Play (Dibuja el juego) Haz click y arrastrá el mouse para dibujar el camino. Usá las flechas para caminar y espacio para saltar. El objetivo es ir hacia la bandera azul. Modo de juego innovador. [Envie una corrección ] Comentarios(1) - Propuesto por jp / Traducido por Julian L. |
Pusho Pusho is a simple game offering a classic gameplay as old as the first computer games. Push the blue orbs onto the blue squares. If you like this game and if the levels are too easy for you, you can still go on with this popular remake on miniclip (penguin push) and the excellent Cubeoban. [Traducir ] [Envie una corrección ] Comentarios(0) - Propuesto por jp / Traducido por jp |
Magneto Yet antoher game based on magnets. Magneto is a very good one, featuring a simple design and offering very quickly an enjoyable time. The red magnets attract and the blue ones push you off. You must get the magnetic ball to the exit without touching anything. The physics of the engine remind me of the Ball revamped series. [Traducir ] [Envie una corrección ] Comentarios(0) - Propuesto por jp / Traducido por jp |
Paintball Paintball is a very nice game by a 13 year old developer (!). The physics are maybe inspired from the tremendous success of Line rider. You must drive the red ball to the red square, by drawing walls. Press the space bar to release the ball under gravity and bounces. 126 levels to play, and it's still growing. [Traducir ] [Envie una corrección ] Comentarios(1) - Propuesto por jp / Traducido por jp |
Impulse Impulse is a casual game offering a free online playable version (24 levels) and a full downladable version for about 20$. Warning, this game is highly addictive and you might want to buy the full version. The gameplay for this game is one of the most sofisticated I've ever seen. You must set bombs and their timers on the board to drive a ball to the red target. When you fail, you can replay the chronological events and adjust the parameters of the bombs to succeed. The tutorial is very well done. [Traducir ] [Envie una corrección ] Comentarios(0) - Propuesto por jp / Traducido por jp |
Cinco Agrupa cinco bolas como mínimo ( no es necesario que estén en línea recta) del mismo color para eliminarlas. Haz clic en la bola que quieras mover y vuelve a hacer clic en el lugar al que quieras que vaya. No estoy seguro de que sea el juego original pero es chulo. [Envie una corrección ] Comentarios(1) - Propuesto por jp / Traducido por Coloradado |
Orb Orb offers a new take on this kind of game where you have to drag something, and lead it to the target withtout touching the walls.
The originality of Orb resides in the colored pills that change the size of the orb. [Traducir ] [Envie una corrección ] Comentarios(2) - Propuesto por jp / Traducido por jp |
Timed climb Timed Climb is clever game by Jussi Kari of ooPixel. It uses only the space bar to play. Press and hold the key to charge up the power bar. The small blue bouncing keeps moving until you release the key before the ball touches the ground and effect a jump.
[Traducir ] [Envie una corrección ] Comentarios(1) - Propuesto por jp / Traducido por jp |
no circles no From Feisty Enterprises comes 2 different versions of a strange puzzle game. On each level, it's your job to figure out exactly what is required to advance. Use the mouse, point, click, drag, and finally bring the box to the orange arrow. [Traducir ] [Envie una corrección ] Comentarios(2) - Propuesto por jp / Traducido por jp |