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HK Café
Restaurant simulation game. Objective is to prepare and deliver ordered dishes to the customers before they get frustrated and angry. The game is not necessarily the easiest of the bunch, but it surely is addictive. HK Café asks nerves, systemacy and ability to handle pressure and chaos.
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Comentarios(1) - Propuesto por Marcelors / Traducido por Jauzaa
After the popular Red, here comes Orange, by the same author Case. You must shoot at the orb (by clicking the mouse button) in an attempt to push it off the playing field. Don't get too closed because of the gravity.
Found on JayIsGames.

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Well, what a fresh new game developed by Matthew Wegner and his crew at FalshBangStudios. The game relies on the Unity Webplayer, which you will have to download first (about 3MB) to play the game. Unity is a kind of Flash, but only dedicated to game development.
The game is a kind of Puzzle Bobble, improved with a powerful physics engine.
You can view a video demo on Matthew's blog. Morever, the game is provided with a level editor to design and share your own levels!
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Odd bods
Click on the "bod" that has not a twin. Hurry up the time runs out...
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Simple and fun. Just try to climb as high as possible. Use the left and right arrows to move and the spacebar to jump.
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A fast-paced game by Roboman. Try to destroy as many trucks as possible. Use the keyboard arrows to increase/decrease speed and to avoid cars. Space bar to shoot missiles.
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Retron is an innovative twist on the platformer style. It starts as usual with a space ship (arrows to move and sapce bar to shoot) and then the play area starts to get stretched, rotated etc...
It's not the first time we see this kind of remixed games, for example Wack Bricks II.
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Comentarios(0) - Propuesto por jp / Traducido por jp
Torture Chamber
You have to avoid being crushed by spikes and chopped up by the dungeon master, whilst picking up as many jewels as you can. Choose the rigt lever, the one that is briefly highlighted by a red triangle, or the spikes go down faster.
Arrow keys to move. Space to pull the lever.
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Ball game
Este es un juego desarrollado por Andre, webmaster del popular, Uno de los sitios más visitados en Noruega. Mantente tan lejos de las bolas rojas como sea posible. Hemos visto muchos juegos de este estilo, pero cuidado, aqui las bolas cambian su velocidad y su estrategia para que las atrapes...
Me recuerda a Short circuit, y Balls on Drugs.
Y del mismo autor: Ski jump.

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Comentarios(0) - Propuesto por jp / Traducido por betiana
Atrapa los cuadrados azules y esquiva las bolas rojas. Gráficos simples y una buena forma de perder el tiempo. Encontrado en Mark Hurst list of good experience games.

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