Juegos antiguos - 106 Juegos |
Quake 3 After Warcraft and Mortal Kombat the talented programmers at have just released a Shockwave version of Quake 3 from ID Software. Controls with mouse and arrowkeys. Enjoy! [Traducir ] [Envie una corrección ] Comentarios(4) - Propuesto por jp / Traducido por jp |
Donkey Kong Flash Para los fanáticos de los viejitos, aqui esta una versión flash incompleta de Donkey Kong. Sólo puedes jugar la primer pantalla, y tienes cantidad de vidas ilimitadas. Te mueves con las flechas y saltas con la barra espaciadora. [Envie una corrección ] Comentarios(0) - Propuesto por jp / Traducido por betiana |
Plastic Balls "Plastic balls" is a circular breakout game. You control the bat with the mouse or the arrow keys and must stop the ball falling down the central drain, like a black hole. With a lot of powerups to grab, the game is pretty fun to play, one of the most enjoyable "circular game" I know. If you like "circular games", you can also play : cicular pinball, circular pool and our Ringmania game. [Traducir ] [Envie una corrección ] Comentarios(0) - Propuesto por jp / Traducido por jp |
Chopper drop "Chopper drop" is a clever game by Pete Everett, that brings a lot of fun with a "one key" gameplay. A red copter is endless flying from the left to the right of the screen, while slowly going down. The goal of the game is to destroy all the towers, droping bombs on them, pressing the space bar of your keyboard. You'll need to aim first at the tallest buildings to avoid the copter crashing on their top. If you like "one key" games, try also the recent and excellent game Base jump. [Traducir ] [Envie una corrección ] Comentarios(0) - Propuesto por jp / Traducido por jp |
Play with fire 2 "Play with fire 2" es una adaptación Flash muy divertida para el viejo y famoso Bomberman lanzado por primera vez en 1983 por Hudson soft en ZX Spectrum y MSX. debes completar los niveles poniendo las bombas estratégicamente para matar a los enemigos. Puedes jugar contra muchos enemigos controlados por el computador o en el modo "2 Players". La barra espaciadora para poner las bombas, doble click en la barra espaciadora para lanzar las bombas. El segundo jugador utiliza las teclas W A S D Para moverse y la tecla " " para las bombas. [Envie una corrección ] Comentarios(0) - Propuesto por jp / Traducido por BLACK DEMON |
Fall of 21XX Flash game developers love Megaman! Capcom's Megaman is back again with "Fall of 21XX". This is one of the best adaptation I've seen so far and it was developed by Iván Rodríguez Asqui about one year ago. The awsome pixel graphics, the sounds and the animations, all has been done to preserve the interest of the original game. On the same them, see also Megaman, Ghosts 'n Goblins ,Megaman Vs Metroid, and Megaman. [Traducir ] [Envie una corrección ] Comentarios(0) - Propuesto por jp / Traducido por jp |
Woody Pop Woody Pop is an awsome breakout clone with cute pixel graphics. You control the paddle (a piece of wood) with the mouse. What makes this game so enjoyable is the multitude of powerups, and suprises (little trains, toy soliders) that appears during the game. As in Arkanoid, you must choose a direction (up,down,left or right) after each level that leads to different new levels. [Traducir ] [Envie una corrección ] Comentarios(1) - Propuesto por jp / Traducido por jp |
World Cup Pinball Here there are the online games surfing on the wave of the world cup 2007. The are not many good online pinball out there as the physics for this kind of game is much more complicated than it looks like. This one is simple and fun. Controls are Q, P and spacebar. It's focused on the british team and made to promote a song (Hansen's Eyebrows) but is worth a try. [Traducir ] [Envie una corrección ] Comentarios(3) - Propuesto por jp / Traducido por jp |
Miners4K Miners4K is an excellent and light java game in only 4 kilobytes (Miners4K) developed by Markus Persson. Right-click to build tunnels for the workers and left-click to build ground. Obviously inspired from Lemmings, the gameplay has also something to do with the recent World of sand.
The oficial version doesn't include a highscores table, a version with highscores enabled is available on [Traducir ] [Envie una corrección ] Comentarios(0) - Propuesto por jp / Traducido por jp |
Megaman, Ghosts 'n Goblins Another episode of the Capcom's Megaman series has been adapted to Macromedia Flash by the same developer (called Static) who adapted Megaman Vs Metroid. In this one you must fight against the BigBoss Arthur. Once again a very good job on pixel graphics, animations and gameplay has been done to keep the same spririt of the original game. You like it? Try also the adapation of the first Megaman game. [Traducir ] [Envie una corrección ] Comentarios(1) - Propuesto por jp / Traducido por jp |