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Los mas jugados del Mes - Deportes

Los mas jugados del Mes - Deportes - 8 Juegos
Crazy Mammoths - Mamuts Locos

Crazy Mammoths - Mamuts Locos
Crazy Mammoths parece un juego sencillo, pero requiere de una buena estrategia para mantenerse en cabeza en cada check-point. La forma de mantenerse en cabeza es a través de saltos, que se controlan estratégicamente con la barra espaciadora.Los saltos se utilizan para pasar al mamut delante tuyo, para parar a alguno que te quiere adelantar, o para enviar a alguno hacia atrás cuando está en el...
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Juego creado por: jp
Traducido por rodri3815

Bilboquet game

Bilboquet game
Bilboquet (also called Ring and pin game or Kendama in Japan) is an old game of dexterity, invented in France in the 16th century. This, the 21st century version of the game uses the flash technology to play bilboquet virtually online! The goal of the game is still the same. Throw the ball up and impale it on the stick. Try to score as many times as you can in the given 30 seconds. Each...
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Juego creado por: jp
Traducido por jp

Babboon & friends

Babboon & friends
The story: This is a sequel to the World of Archoon, where only archers and balloons live. The struggle continues. Babboon and his friends have risen in rebellion and build a comunity of irritating balloons that escape your arrows. You must shoot them down as fast as possible to win the game and enter the highscores. Good luck brave archer... The controls: Click on the mouse button to strike...
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Juego creado por: jp
Traducido por jez

Soccer challenge

Soccer challenge
Soccer Challenge is a set of 8 mini games based on the theme of soccer (football) that has been developed to celebrate FIFA World Cup 2006. You control a small blue footballer with the mouse and must accomplish 8 challenges against time. Your global score is the sum of the 8 scores. The skills required to enter the highscores or even to become the world champion, are ability, strategy, and...
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Juego creado por: jp
Traducido por jp

12 Seconds

12 Seconds
Shoot the ball as far as possible in just 12 seconds. You control the golf club with the mouse. You need to do it precise and fast. Find the right technique to get awesome shots.
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Juego creado por: spaceplant
Traducido por spaceplant

Unicycle Challenge

Unicycle Challenge
1) No caigan demasiado lejos.
2) Esquiva las pelotas que ruedan en tu camino(bastante simple, no?).

Mueve el mouse de lado a lado-la rueda del monociclo te seguira.
Para saltar mantén apretada la barra espaciadora. El saltómetro marcará que tan alto vas a saltar cuando sueltes la barra espaciadora.

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Juego creado por: gfxmonk
Traducido por betiana


You jump from the airplane by hitting space and open your parachute by hitting space again. The goal is to land as close as possible to the center of the target. Addicting game.
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Juego creado por: spaceplant
Traducido por spaceplant


A "creative" minigolf game with 18 tracks, multiple holes and exits, traditional and non-traditional obstacles, round obstacles,fans,cone-shaped obstacles, magic carpets, strange robots, misterious waters,ife jackets and immeasurable holes.

Final score = holes*1000 + (gap between total strokes - total par (no bonus))*100

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Juego creado por: popoyl
Traducido por popoyl