Najbolja igra mjeseca - 91 Igre |

| This game SUCKS A game where you HOOVER up GOOD FRUIT, but AVOIDING IT if it goes RED and SPIKY!! The more you SUCK, the HARDER you SUCK ! [Prevedite ] [Podnestite ispravak ]Igru kreiranu kao kingbaggot Preveo kingbaggot |

| Football This is a remake of one of the oldest and most famous web game, Sonar challenge. You must click with the mouse at the bottom of the ball to make it bounce and keep it up in the air as long as possible. [Prevedite ] [Podnestite ispravak ]Igru kreiranu kao grzesiek86-13 Preveo jp |

| Save the earth Spasi zemlju od padajuceg asteroida ( zapravo, neces spasiti zemlju, ali ces umrijeti kao heroj).
Skupljaj bonuse i nagrade da nadogradis svoje rakete i svemirski brod u automatski sistem za ciljanje, najjace oruzje protiv stijena.
LJEVO, DESNO i GORE za kretanje, DOLJE za rucno ciljanje, SPACE za pucanje. [Podnestite ispravak ]Igru kreiranu kao jp Preveo marsupilami |

| Soccer challenge Nogometni izazov je skup 8 mini igrica kreiranih na temu nogometa koje su razvijene u cast FIFA World Cup-a 2006.
Ti kontroliras malog plavog nogometasa s misem i moras zavrsiti 8 izazova koji su ograniceni vremenski. Tvoj zavrsni rezultat je zbroj svih 8 rezultata. Vjestine koje su potrebne da uneses svoj rezultat na listu najboljih ili cak da postanes svjetski prvaksu sposobnost, strategija i... [Podnestite ispravak ]Igru kreiranu kao jp Preveo marsupilami |

| Miners4K Igra je bila napravljena za java games 4K contest. Razvijena je od strane Markus Persson (Notch on Pepere) i pobijedila je 2006 na natjecanju. Markus je drage volje autoprizirao da se prilagodi za highscore sistem.
Cilj igre je da kopate tunele koji vode rudare do zlata, i onda nazad na početnu poziciju. Desnim klikom miša gradite tunele za rudare i lijevim da gradite zemlju.... [Podnestite ispravak ]Igru kreiranu kao Notch Preveo mrav |

| Bat Vs Ball 1.0 Retro pung endurance action.
Keep the ball on screen for as long as you can.
Use UP/DOWN keys or mouse clicks to move the bat.
But beware, as moving the bat will cause it to shrink.
[Prevedite ] [Podnestite ispravak ]Igru kreiranu kao xix Preveo xix |

| Babboon & friends The story: This is a sequel to the World of Archoon, where only archers and balloons live. The struggle continues. Babboon and his friends have risen in rebellion and build a comunity of irritating balloons that escape your arrows. You must shoot them down as fast as possible to win the game and enter the highscores. Good luck brave archer...
The controls: Click on the mouse button to strike... [Prevedite ] [Podnestite ispravak ]Igru kreiranu kao jp Preveo jez |

| Centrifuge Use the arrow keys to expand and contract the spinning stick, try and collect the blocks with the black end of the centrifuge. Avoid the red bombs otherwise it's game over! [Prevedite ] [Podnestite ispravak ]Igru kreiranu kao gamingmonkey Preveo gamingmonkey |

| Just Sudoku A Sudoku game with lots of different puzzles to solve online without using pen and paper.
The aim of the puzzle is to enter a numeral from 1 through 9 in each cell of a grid, most frequently a 9×9 grid made up of 3×3 subgrids (called "regions"), starting with various numerals given in some cells (the "givens"). Each row, column and region must contain only one instance of each numeral.... [Prevedite ] [Podnestite ispravak ]Igru kreiranu kao Preveo |

| Cirplosion Cirplosion is a skill/puzzle game where you create circles in the gaps between moving orbs. You have limited time and explosions on each of the 20 levels. Complete the challenges to unlock Cirvival mode – good luck
1. Hold down mouse button to expand a circle 2. Release mouse button before circle touches orange orbs or the edges 3. Position transparent circle over orbs and click to... [Prevedite ] [Podnestite ispravak ]Igru kreiranu kao gws34 Preveo gws34 |