Strategie - 234 Jocuri |
Rotobo Rotobo is mini flash game where the object is to find and land on a green block hidden in each level through a succession of jumps. When the robot is pointing in the direction you wish to jump, simply click the mouse button. The longer you hold the button down the higher Rotobo will jump. [Traduceţi ] [Fă o corecţie ] Comentarii(0) - Înscris de jp / Tradus de jp |
TwinSpin Click cu mouse-ul ca sa te poti misca si sa poti sparge baloanele intr-un timp limitat. Un joc dragut realizat de compania franceza Globz. Click pe "Vizita" ca sa poti juca. [Fă o corecţie ] Comentarii(0) - Înscris de jp / Tradus de beibi |
Poom! Un joc conceput in 3D. Foloseste mouse-ul ca sa poti balansa bilele cat mai mult posibil. Fa in asa fel incat bila sa cada pe tiglele cu cercuri rosii, acestea oferindu-ti energie.Evita tiglele negre si galbene. [Fă o corecţie ] Comentarii(0) - Înscris de jp / Tradus de beibi |
Sobics Game Un joc corean amuzant. Poti sa iei si sa arunci caramizi cu ajutorul mouce-lui. Trebuie sa aliniezi 4 caramizi de aceeasi culoare pentru a le face sa dispara inainte ca acestea sa atinga pamantul. [Fă o corecţie ] Comentarii(0) - Înscris de jp / Tradus de DunkelKid (Romania) |
Pengapop Yet another bust-a-move like game. This one brings a new interest with the moving walls of colorful balls and a different objective. You don't have to clear all the balls to complete the level, you just have to shoot at the moving targets (Ritz chips). [Traduceţi ] [Fă o corecţie ] Comentarii(0) - Înscris de jp / Tradus de jp |
Escape from castle doom This game is based on the same principles of the the famous Lemmings game and brings an interesting renewal of the gameplay. Drag and drop objects on the board to guide the people and the pets to the exit. [Traduceţi ] [Fă o corecţie ] Comentarii(0) - Înscris de jp / Tradus de jp |
Ploop Help the little Ploop to grab the blue balls. Mind the tricks.
Click on "Jugar" to start.
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Cube Flash game designed by Uminin in Japan and available on his Flash Game Zone website. The object is to propel colored cubes across the board so that they come to rest within designated rectangles. There are 2 modes and each mode features 6 stages of increasing difficulty, with each stage consisting of 5 levels. I guess you will spend some time to complete it.
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Thunder Plunder Collect the booty whilst avoiding traps and enemies.
Use the ARROW KEYS to control Borg the viking. The A KEY create a firewall, and the Z KEY drops a thunderball. [Traduceţi ] [Fă o corecţie ] Comentarii(0) - Înscris de jp / Tradus de jp |
Ball revamped 3 : Andromeda John Cooney has just released the third in his series of Ball Revamped games.
This time out, John implements levels larger than the game view window, which makes finding the goal an additional challenge. [Traduceţi ] [Fă o corecţie ] Comentarii(0) - Înscris de jp / Tradus de jp |