Strategie - 234 Jocuri |
Magnet 1 & 2 The game and its sequel Magnet 2 are pretty old (1 year) but still worth to be reviewed. Developed by a Japanese company called SKT, it has become very popular over the net. The levels difficulty is starting from easy to pretty hard. The game is featuring a strange rabbit with a magnet instead of the head and piece of iron that you must lead to the pink "H" spot. Simply move the rabbit with the arrow keys and press the space bar to actiate to magnetic field. [Traduceţi ] [Fă o corecţie ] Comentarii(0) - Înscris de jp / Tradus de jp |
8 planets 8 planets is a free clone of Zuma, one of the all time best selling casual game. Simply throw the colored balls with the mouse to match 3 or more balls of the same color. The game is over when a ball reach the end of the road. This version coming from japan, offers very attracting graphics and nicely designed levels, and unlike Zuma, it's free. [Traduceţi ] [Fă o corecţie ] Comentarii(0) - Înscris de jp / Tradus de jp |
Block down Blockdown is an interesting game by Anders Poussette based on the "3 colors match" style of game. You control a pad with the left and right arrow keys and can collect the falling colored blocks onit (up to 5 blocks). Once you catch some blocks on the pad, use the up arrow key to drop the up block and the down key to drop the bottom block. Game is over when you stack more than 7 blocks on the ground or 5 blocks on the pad. [Traduceţi ] [Fă o corecţie ] Comentarii(0) - Înscris de jp / Tradus de jp |
Kodama Kodama, is an excellent little puzzle game from Japan. This is a 20 level game starting with 3 lives. With the mouse you grab the game piece and "toss" it into the "chute". The game piece must land in the red (100 points) or green (500 points) slots but not the black or you lose a life. Simple, addictive gameplay based on physics. [Traduceţi ] [Fă o corecţie ] Comentarii(2) - Înscris de jp / Tradus de jennalynn6 |
Dice wars "Dice wars" is a turn-based strategy game from Taro Ito of GameDesign. The objective is to conquer all territories and eliminate all your opponents by attacking them with dice. The game is simlar to the famous board game Risk. It's based for a big part on luck and that's why it's so fun. Play also Race from the same author. [Traduceţi ] [Fă o corecţie ] Comentarii(5) - Înscris de jp / Tradus de jp |
Bloc Action In this platform game, you can play user defined levels or build your own levels that will be played by other players. The rating system allow to only play the best levels. The system is a little bit confusing at first but it worth taking a few seconds to try it. You control a game character and must lead him with the left, right and spacebar keys from the yellow dots to the blue ones. Thousands of stages are already waiting for you. [Traduceţi ] [Fă o corecţie ] Comentarii(0) - Înscris de jp / Tradus de jp |
Circul cu purici Circul cu purici este un joc facut de Jagex Software, care a facut de asemenea si impresionantul joc multiplayer RuneScape. Obiectivul acestui joc este de a duce puricii de la start la final(la usa),amintindu-ne de faimosul Lemmings. Fa click pe una din cele trei icoane de langa fundul jocului, si fa click undeva pentru a o plasa. Puricii vor muri automatic daca ating iarba sau apa sau daca merg pe sub paianjen. Fiecare nivel are o parola pentru a te salva sa rejoci nivele pe care le-ai castigat deja. [Fă o corecţie ] Comentarii(2) - Înscris de Polio1 / Tradus de Vivi |
wOne wOne is a very nice twist on the BMX games. The controls are a lot easier as you only use left and right arrow to move the wheel left or right. Roll through each level collecting barrels. Complete 5 first levels to unlock the sixth. We would have wish more levels as the gameplay of the game is such gratifying and fun. [Traduceţi ] [Fă o corecţie ] Comentarii(0) - Înscris de jp / Tradus de jp |
Warp Forest Din partea lui Arseniy Shklyaev (Rusia), autorul jocului Rumble ball, Orbox, iata un nou joc puzzle, Warp Forest. Obiectul jocului este de a colecta toate cheile pentru a activa iesirea. Folositi tastele sageti si tasta "D" pentru a conduce masina. Cautati copacii special deformati si lazile de comori care ascund puteri suplimentare. Apasati tasta "A" sau "S" pentru a actiona laserul sau incarcaturile speciale. Nivelele par a fi proiectate cu atentie, iar nivelul de dificultatea este cum nu se poate mai potrivit pentru a-ti stimula judecata fara a te descuraja totusi. [Fă o corecţie ] Comentarii(2) - Înscris de jp / |
Panik in Pogoland Panik in Pogoland is a nice puzzle game where you control a kind of jumipng flee from tile to tile. You control it with the arrowkeys and must drive it to the final tile. Reaching new levels, you will discover new tiles with special efects on the hero. The game has been developed by kerb the company who also made a very popular remake of our parking game, here. [Traduceţi ] [Fă o corecţie ] Comentarii(0) - Înscris de jp / Tradus de jp |