Strategi - 234 Spil |
Magnet 1 & 2 The game and its sequel Magnet 2 are pretty old (1 year) but still worth to be reviewed. Developed by a Japanese company called SKT, it has become very popular over the net. The levels difficulty is starting from easy to pretty hard. The game is featuring a strange rabbit with a magnet instead of the head and piece of iron that you must lead to the pink "H" spot. Simply move the rabbit with the arrow keys and press the space bar to actiate to magnetic field. [Oversætte ] [Tilføj en korrekt ] Kommentarer(0) - Tilmeldt af jp / Oversat af jp |
8 planets 8 planets is a free clone of Zuma, one of the all time best selling casual game. Simply throw the colored balls with the mouse to match 3 or more balls of the same color. The game is over when a ball reach the end of the road. This version coming from japan, offers very attracting graphics and nicely designed levels, and unlike Zuma, it's free. [Oversætte ] [Tilføj en korrekt ] Kommentarer(0) - Tilmeldt af jp / Oversat af jp |
Block down Blockdown is an interesting game by Anders Poussette based on the "3 colors match" style of game. You control a pad with the left and right arrow keys and can collect the falling colored blocks onit (up to 5 blocks). Once you catch some blocks on the pad, use the up arrow key to drop the up block and the down key to drop the bottom block. Game is over when you stack more than 7 blocks on the ground or 5 blocks on the pad. [Oversætte ] [Tilføj en korrekt ] Kommentarer(0) - Tilmeldt af jp / Oversat af jp |
Kodama Kodama er et excelent lille "puslespil" fra Japan.
Du starter med tre liv.
Du bruger musen til at "kaste" dig ind i næste bane. Kastet skal lande i rød zone (100 point) eller grøn zone (500 point) for at gennemføre banerne. Simpelt og udfordrende gamplay og fantastiske bevægelser og 20 baner at gennemføre. [Tilføj en korrekt ] Kommentarer(2) - Tilmeldt af jp / Oversat af Spindax |
Dice wars "Dice wars" is a turn-based strategy game from Taro Ito of GameDesign. The objective is to conquer all territories and eliminate all your opponents by attacking them with dice. The game is simlar to the famous board game Risk. It's based for a big part on luck and that's why it's so fun. Play also Race from the same author. [Oversætte ] [Tilføj en korrekt ] Kommentarer(5) - Tilmeldt af jp / Oversat af jp |
Bloc Action In this platform game, you can play user defined levels or build your own levels that will be played by other players. The rating system allow to only play the best levels. The system is a little bit confusing at first but it worth taking a few seconds to try it. You control a game character and must lead him with the left, right and spacebar keys from the yellow dots to the blue ones. Thousands of stages are already waiting for you. [Oversætte ] [Tilføj en korrekt ] Kommentarer(0) - Tilmeldt af jp / Oversat af jp |
Flea Circus Flea Circus er lavet af Jagex, som også stod bag tilblivelsen af spillet Runescape. Målet med selve spillet er at få The Fleas (Fluer) fra start til slut, hvilket minder os om det gamle spil 'Lemmings'. Klik på en af de 3 ikoner nær bunden af spillet og klik et-eller-andet andet sted at placere den. The Fleas vil dø vis de rammer Gras, vand eller går under edderkoppen. Hvert levl har et kode ord for at forhindre dig i at genspillet hvert level du har slået. [Tilføj en korrekt ] Kommentarer(2) - Tilmeldt af Polio1 / Oversat af Vagn I Helvetia |
wOne wOne is a very nice twist on the BMX games. The controls are a lot easier as you only use left and right arrow to move the wheel left or right. Roll through each level collecting barrels. Complete 5 first levels to unlock the sixth. We would have wish more levels as the gameplay of the game is such gratifying and fun. [Oversætte ] [Tilføj en korrekt ] Kommentarer(0) - Tilmeldt af jp / Oversat af jp |
Warp Forest From Arseniy Shklyaev, the russian author of Rumble ball and Orbox, here comes his brand new puzzle game, Warp Forest. The object is to collect all of the keys to activate the exit. Use the arrow keys and "D" to move the car. Look for special deformed trees and treasure boxes that hide additional power-ups. Press "A" or "S" to fire the car's laser or special charges. Levels seems to be carefuly designed and the difficulty is just about right to challenge your mind without discouraging you. [Oversætte ] [Tilføj en korrekt ] Kommentarer(2) - Tilmeldt af jp / Oversat af jp |
Panik i Pogoland Panik i Pogoland er et sødt puslespil, hvor du styrer en slags hoppende loppe fra flise til flise. Du styrer den med piletasterne og skal føre den til den sidste flise. Ved at nå nye niveau'er (baner) vil du opdage nye fliser med særlige virkninger på helten.
Spillet er udviklet af kerb, det samme firma som også har lavet en meget populær udgave af vores parking game, here.
[Tilføj en korrekt ] Kommentarer(0) - Tilmeldt af jp / Oversat af Elodia Johansen, |