Stratégia - 234 Játék |
Magnet 1 & 2 The game and its sequel Magnet 2 are pretty old (1 year) but still worth to be reviewed. Developed by a Japanese company called SKT, it has become very popular over the net. The levels difficulty is starting from easy to pretty hard. The game is featuring a strange rabbit with a magnet instead of the head and piece of iron that you must lead to the pink "H" spot. Simply move the rabbit with the arrow keys and press the space bar to actiate to magnetic field. [Fordítás ] [Terjessz be egy javítást ] megjegyzések(0) - Submitted by jp / Translated by jp |
8 planets 8 planets is a free clone of Zuma, one of the all time best selling casual game. Simply throw the colored balls with the mouse to match 3 or more balls of the same color. The game is over when a ball reach the end of the road. This version coming from japan, offers very attracting graphics and nicely designed levels, and unlike Zuma, it's free. [Fordítás ] [Terjessz be egy javítást ] megjegyzések(0) - Submitted by jp / Translated by jp |
Block down Blockdown is an interesting game by Anders Poussette based on the "3 colors match" style of game. You control a pad with the left and right arrow keys and can collect the falling colored blocks onit (up to 5 blocks). Once you catch some blocks on the pad, use the up arrow key to drop the up block and the down key to drop the bottom block. Game is over when you stack more than 7 blocks on the ground or 5 blocks on the pad. [Fordítás ] [Terjessz be egy javítást ] megjegyzések(0) - Submitted by jp / Translated by jp |
Kodama Kodama, is an excellent little puzzle game from Japan. This is a 20 level game starting with 3 lives. With the mouse you grab the game piece and "toss" it into the "chute". The game piece must land in the red (100 points) or green (500 points) slots but not the black or you lose a life. Simple, addictive gameplay based on physics. [Fordítás ] [Terjessz be egy javítást ] megjegyzések(2) - Submitted by jp / Translated by jennalynn6 |
Dice Wars (Kocka háború) "Kocka háború" egy körökre osztott stratégiai játék, melyet Taro Ito készített, a GameDesigntól. A cél hogy elfoglaljunk minden területet és minden ellenséget elpusztítani, kockával megtámadva őket. A játék hasonlít az ismert táblajátékhoz: Risk. A játék alapja a véletlen, és ezért olyan vicces. Játsz a Verseny-nyel ugyanettől a szerzőtől. [Terjessz be egy javítást ] megjegyzések(5) - Submitted by jp / Translated by |
Bloc Action In this platform game, you can play user defined levels or build your own levels that will be played by other players. The rating system allow to only play the best levels. The system is a little bit confusing at first but it worth taking a few seconds to try it. You control a game character and must lead him with the left, right and spacebar keys from the yellow dots to the blue ones. Thousands of stages are already waiting for you. [Fordítás ] [Terjessz be egy javítást ] megjegyzések(0) - Submitted by jp / Translated by jp |
Flea Circus Flea Circus is a game made by Jagex Software, who also made the massive multiplayer game RuneScape. The aim of the game is to get the fleas from start to finish (the door), reminding us of the famous Lemmings. Click on one of the three icons near the bottom of the game, and click somewhere to place it. Fleas will automatically die if they hit grass or water or go under the spider. Each level has a password to save you replaying levels you have already won.
[Fordítás ] [Terjessz be egy javítást ] megjegyzések(2) - Submitted by Polio1 / Translated by Polio1 |
wOne wOne is a very nice twist on the BMX games. The controls are a lot easier as you only use left and right arrow to move the wheel left or right. Roll through each level collecting barrels. Complete 5 first levels to unlock the sixth. We would have wish more levels as the gameplay of the game is such gratifying and fun. [Fordítás ] [Terjessz be egy javítást ] megjegyzések(0) - Submitted by jp / Translated by jp |
Warp Forest From Arseniy Shklyaev, the russian author of Rumble ball and Orbox, here comes his brand new puzzle game, Warp Forest. The object is to collect all of the keys to activate the exit. Use the arrow keys and "D" to move the car. Look for special deformed trees and treasure boxes that hide additional power-ups. Press "A" or "S" to fire the car's laser or special charges. Levels seems to be carefuly designed and the difficulty is just about right to challenge your mind without discouraging you. [Fordítás ] [Terjessz be egy javítást ] megjegyzések(2) - Submitted by jp / Translated by jp |
Riadalom Pogo földön A Riadalom Pogo földön egy kedves rejtvény játék amiben te irányítod egyfajta ugráló menekülő figurát csempéröl csempére. Irányíthatod a nyilakkal és vezesd el az utolsó csempéig.Ha felérsz egy új szintre fel fogsz fedezni új csempéket melyek különleges hatással vannak hősödre. A játékot kerb fejlesztette ki, a cég amely még elvégzett egy nagyon népszerű átalakítást a mi honlapunkon.Parkolás, here.
[Terjessz be egy javítást ] megjegyzések(0) - Submitted by jp / Translated by krisztion |