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Los mas jugados del Mes

Los mas jugados del Mes - 91 Juegos
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Cirplosion is a skill/puzzle game where you create circles in the gaps between moving orbs. You have limited time and explosions on each of the 20 levels. Complete the challenges to unlock Cirvival mode – good luck 1. Hold down mouse button to expand a circle 2. Release mouse button before circle touches orange orbs or the edges 3. Position transparent circle over orbs and click to...
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Juego creado por: gws34
Traducido por gws34

Neave Space Invaders

Neave Space Invaders
A retro remake of the classic Space Invaders game. Wobbling aliens, ray guns and groovy sound effects a-plenty in this retro arcade classic. Play with the arrow keys and the space bar.
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Juego creado por: neave
Traducido por neave

Jade Emperor

Jade Emperor
The Emperor´s riches fill up his treasury until they reach the coin of sorrow.
Save the Emperor from bad luck and eliminate all cursed Treasures.

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Juego creado por: qplaygames
Traducido por qplaygames


All the farmer's chickens have run away, so he has hired you to catch as many as you can..

Do this by clicking on the chicken that's running around on the screen..
Click on the egg that appears once in a while to stun the chicken..
The more chickens you catch, the faster they'll run around..

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Juego creado por: d0ornab
Traducido por Morgue

Sweet side scrolling squid swimmer

Sweet side scrolling squid swimmer
Use the left mouse button to swim up. Avoid the rectangles and collect the swarms of krill for extra points!
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Juego creado por: gws34
Traducido por gws34

Home Computer Wars: Alpha Mission

Home Computer Wars: Alpha Mission
In this classic shoot them up you fight against waves old computers (Atari etc...). Arrow keys to move and spacebar to shoot.
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Juego creado por: 8bitrocket
Traducido por 8bitrocket


Arkanoid-like game with 15 levels, several bonus items and a special multiball feature (you can have infinite balls on screen).
A level editor is integrated in the game so you can create your own levels and play them by selecting "Play uiser-defined levels" button.
Your own levels are stored into your hard-disk so they don't disappear when you quit the game.

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Juego creado por: popoyl
Traducido por popoyl

Speed Squid

Speed Squid
Use the 8 finger-resting keys [a s d f j k l ;] to control the movement of your 8 corresponding squid limbs. Grab prey as quickly as possible for maximum points, but, beware the mines.
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Juego creado por: gws34
Traducido por gws34


Controles: Mover el bloque: flechas Rotar el bloque: barra espaciadora Juegas en un campo cuadrado. Un bloque cae en el campo de deportes. Tu puedes manipular este bloque: moviendo hacia cada uno de los lados(usando las flechas) y haciendo girar (usando la barra espaciadora). Tu objetivo es crear una línea horizontal sin huecos. Cuando una línea es creada, esta desaparece, y los bloques que...
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Juego creado por: ggg1986
Traducido por betiana

Gums world

Gums world
Come más bolas rojas que los darkgums, más comes, más grande te haces. El jugo termina cuando vos ó los darkgums hacen 100 puntos .
Controles: te moves con las flechas derecha e izquierda, flecha abajo para saltar sobre los darkgums.
Usuarios registrados: tus puntos son rankeados en Pepere solo si le ganas a los darkgums.

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Juego creado por: mig
Traducido por betiana

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