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Uploading a game

This is the starting page for uploading a game on Be aware that we don't accept the games that you didn't develop yourself. Depending on the quality of the graphics and the gameplay, we accept or not the game. When the game is developed with a minimum of care, it's usually accepted.
All the games must must implement the highscore system. There are only a few lines of code to insert in your game source code, just after the "game over", to make it compatible with the highscore system. Only the members of can register their scores with this system, that's why the system is so easy to implement and doesn't require a graphic interface.

Note that the highscore system only accept integers (no floating point numbers), and that the higher score is the best.

Feel free to contact us for any questions.
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Translated by jp

Manage your highscores with this MX2004 / Flash 8 Actionscript 2 code example.
    import flash.external.ExternalInterface;


// The score variable contains the score of the player. It's an integer. The higher it is, the best the score is.
if (ExternalInterface.available) {"saveGlobalScore",score);
} else {

Manage your highscores with this CS3 / Flash 9 Actionscript 3 code example.
    import flash.external.ExternalInterface;


// The score variable contains the score of the player. It's an integer. The higher it is, the best the score is."saveGlobalScore",score);